
Photographer commits suicide four months after marriage

A 30-year-old photographer has allegedly committed suicide inside his bedroom in Babura Local Government of Jigawa State, four months after his marriage, when his wife discovered his hanged body after she returned home from a visit to relatives.

Penpushing reports that the spokesperson of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC), Adamu Shehu, said the wife said her husband dropped her at one of his relatives’ houses that fateful day

“The deceased’s wife said her husband dropped her at one of his relatives’ houses that fateful day (Wednesday) around 2:00 p.m. with a promise to pick her up later in the evening, but he never returned to do so’, Shehu added.

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“Around 5:00 p.m., the wife called his phone severally without response which made her took a commercial vehicle back home, and on reaching there, she realised that she was without keys and decided to call his phone again, yet there was no response’, he explained.

‘She requested the assistance of the commercial motorcyclist to jump over the fence and unlock the main entrance from inside. Upon opening the door, she saw her husband’s motorcycle parked inside, which is very unusual’, Shehu said.

“She hurried inside, where she saw the body hanging from a ceiling fan hook in their bedroom. She fainted at the horrific sight, and it was the motorcyclist who shouted for help, and neighbours rushed to the scene’, he stated

Penpushing further reports that Shehu said the remains of the photographer were then untied, brought down and rushed to the hospital, where he was certified dead by a medical practitioner, adding that findings revealed that he used rope to commit suicide

“Investigation into the incident revealed that a bedside drawer was used on top of a 6′ by 6′ sized bed to reach the ceiling where the hook is fixed, and the rope was tied to it; the bedside drawer was then pushed off possibly with legs too dislodged or rather suspend the body from the hook’.

“Close associates (of the deceased) disclosed that the deceased has an inherent mental disorder that turns up occasionally. He married his wife about four months ago and was living happily with his wife until the unfortunate incident. Further Investigation is ongoing,” he said.

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