
Penpushing Media, Ogun State Government celebrate Vanguard Publisher, Sam Amuka-Pemu at 89

The Management Editorial Board of Penpushing Media and Ogun State Government have congratulated the renowned journalist and Publisher of Vanguard Newspapers, Sam Amuka-Pemu on his 89th birthday anniversary.

Penpushing reports that in a separate congratulatory message, the media outlet and the government admitted the positive role of the celebrator in the journalism industry, though hardwork which has made an indelible mark in the annals of contemporary Nigeria.

The Ogun State Governor Prince Dapo Abiodun emphasized that Amuka-Pelu is a media colossus and has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethical and responsible reporting, making the Vanguard a bastion of truth, fairness, and journalistic excellence.

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“It is with great pleasure and immense pride that I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the revered Vanguard publisher, Chief Sam Amuka-Pemu, on the occasion of his 89th birthday. Obviously, Chief Amuka-Pemu is a towering figure in the media landscape, whose contributions to the development of journalism in Nigeria over the past decades are unparalleled’, Abiodun said.

‘Through his visionary leadership and unwavering dedication, he has not only shaped the media industry in Nigeria but has also played a pivotal role in shaping public discourse and influencing the trajectory of our nation’.

“His steadfast pursuit of truth, his fearless stance in the face of adversity, and his unwavering dedication to the principles of democracy have earned him the respect and admiration of both his peers and the public at large’, Abiodun wrote.

“On this auspicious occasion, I salute Chief Sam Amuka-Pemu’s remarkable life and legacy. His unwavering commitment to the noble profession of journalism, his unyielding integrity, and robust dedication to the betterment of our society are truly inspirational. I am confident that his legacy will continue to inspire generations of journalists and media professionals to come’, he added.

“I, therefore, join the Nigerian media community in wishing Chief Sam Amuka-Pemu a joyous and fulfilling celebration. May he continue to be blessed with good health, wisdom, and the unwavering spirit that has defined his remarkable career. May the Almighty God grant him many more years of impactful service to our nation’, the Governor wrote.

Penpushing further reports that in similar vein, the Management, Editorial Board and the entire membership of Penpushing Media across the globe in a congratulatory message described Amuka-Pemu, popularly called ‘Uncle Sam’ as a journalism icon.

The founder of the media outlet, Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji on behalf of the team said the organization is proud to be associated with him, as one of its notable leaders in the journalism profession

Penpushing also reports that the congratulatory letter pointed out that he is a noble man, hardworking and dedicated to the developmental growth of journalism, Nigeria and the society at large, adding that his modest lifestyle has remain added value to his existence.

‘Our mentor, we are also convinced, about your leadership quality in discharging your duties as a competent Nigerian veteran journalist, and this was one of the qualities found in you within and outside the shore of Nigeria. No doubt, your records remained a reference in the noble profession’, Kayode-Adedeji wrote.

‘The entire stakeholders of the globally known Penpushing Media prayed that God will continue to protect and guide you in all ramifications, and as our leader in the profession we are proud to be associated with you’.

‘For us at Penpushing, we pray that as you start another calendar year in your life, you will enjoy good health, and remained   a household name in the developmental growth of your country Nigeria, and God, will continue to use you to accomplish His will’

‘Finally, be rest assured that, we shall continue to give you all desire respect and  support as you grow from strength to strength,   Once again, the entire family of Penpushing congratulates you and wish you happy birthday. God bless’

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