

The court, however, read through the words used during the January 14 adjournment of the tribunal wherein the Code of Conduct Tribunal CCT slated January 22 for hearing of motions in the matter.

However, Justice Abdul Aboki  in a ruling  declared that the request brought by former Chief Justice of Nigeria(CJN) “was brought in a vacuum,” without a proper backing of legal provisions why it should have been granted.

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Penpushing further reports that, the judge while reading through the tribunal’s ruling on January 14. reads, “Matter is hereby adjourned till Tuesday. The above stated decision is an adjournment for motions filed by the two parties,” the appeal court ruled.

The appellate court added that, the words used by the tribunal did not suggest the submissions made by the applicant and questioned the likelihood of its jurisdiction to grant such order as requested, given the evidence before it.

Penpushing also reports that, Justice Aboki who read the ruling with two other judges said, “court has inherent jurisdiction to grant stay of proceedings where it is certified that enough evidence has been given for such,” .

The court ruled that,” Order for stay cannot be made in vacuum. It is a matter of law and fact’, adding further, the court therefore decided that the application for stay of proceedings will not be granted and subsequently refused it.

Penpushing reports that, with the ruling the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) can now proceed with the trial of the Chief Justice of Nigeria(CJN) for alleged false asset declaration, and it is recalled that the tribunal  had postponed the trial based on last week’s directive of the appeal court.



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