Metro Plus


The Traditional Ruler of Ota/Awori Kingdom, Oba(Professor) Adeyemi Obalanlege has felicitated with the Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Engr Noimot Salako Oyedele on her 54th birthday, the celebrator he described as the pride of Aworiland, a woman of substance, an Amazon woman, a successful Engineer.

Penpushing reports that, the Olota and Arole Iganmode  said he is excited to celebrate with the only female Deputy Governor in South West Nigeria and the first Deputy Governor of Awori Extraction in Ogun State since the creation of the State.

“As you mark your 54th birthday today, I bring you best wishes and good tidings from myself and a multitude of other Aworis and Nigerian people who are appreciative of all that you do to advance the cause of good governance in Ogun State and the country at large”

Lush Arena

“This special day gives us an opportunity to personally thank you for the contributions you have made to the development of Ogun State and for the unalloyed loyalty you have given to the Executive Governor of Ogun State, His Excellency, Prince(Dr.) Dapo Abiodun MFR, GCAN since the inception of this administration.”

“So far, you have shown yourself to be a woman of hard work, dedication and principle.You have exhibited that rare combination of a simple and modest lifestyle coupled with an ambitious and grand vision for our dear State’.

‘As Deputy Governor, you have done much in supporting the mission of Mr Governor towards the Implementation of his electoral promises and to further place us on the pathway of building our future together as championed by the Governor.”

Penpushing also report that, the royal father prayed that, ’may Almighty God, Who has kept you these years till today, continue to use you to accomplish His will for the good people of Ogun State. Long may you live!

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