
Ogun State-So-Safe Corps clarifies operational roles contrary to mischievous attempt to discredit agency

The management of Ogun State Community Social Orientation and Safety Corps known as So-Safe Corps, a security arm of the state government have clear air on the constitutional responsibilities of the agency in fight against crimes and criminality, contrary to blackmail attempt in some quarters to discredit the establishment created by law.

Penpushing reports that the Commander of the agency, Dr Soji Ganzalo in a statement while reacting to insinuations as allegedly sponsored by a group in the social media, to give bad image to the organization, explained that it was established through Ogun State Community, Social Orientation and Safety Corps, Law 2017 by the Ogun State House of Assembly, approved by the Governor, hence, commencement of its operations.

‘This background information became necessary to clear air on its legality contrary to insinuations by those not conversant with the law establishing it, and now making attempt to blackmail the organization, having been misinformed or deliberate ignorance of the law’, Ganzalo wrote.


Penpushing further reports that the statement explained that a bill for a law to establish the Ogun State Community Social Orientation and Safety Corps (So-Safe Corps) Agency for the Regulation and Control of Community Social Orientation and Safety Corps Activities and Connected Purposes commenced 27th December 2017.

‘The role as established with the law include assisting the police and other security agencies within the state to maintain law and order by gathering information about crime, crime in progress, suspicious activities and crime suspects among other things’, the statement reads.

‘This also include putting structure in place to ensure that hoodlums and cult groups do not have opportunity to operate in communities or anywhere within the state by undertaking routine motorized patrol day and night, as well as reducing the crime rate and ensuring that offenders are identified and made to account for their misdeed and following up on arrest of offenders to the court and ensuring justice’.

‘The law in same vein provides timely reporting of suspicious activities and crimes in progress to the police or other security agencies, improving relationship between the police and the community as it concerns law enforcement’.

‘The law equally stipulates providing the police with relevant information that will enhance their understanding of how to effectively police the communities, as well as to support the cause of community development especially on issues relating to security’, the statement added.

‘Without prejudice to the provision of Section 2 of this Law, the agency shall engage the service of volunteers (eg-ex-serving men, retirees, baales, chiefs and CDA officials) as Special Marshals in mass orientation of their communities in security consciousness and campaign against social vices’, Ganzalo stated

‘The agency shall be the coordinating body for the uniformed and non-uniformed community corps established and operating within all the local government and local council development’, the statement emphasized

Penpushing also reports that statement said having provide background to the creation of the corps, which should serve as better information to the legal role of the officials, it is also pertinent to correct wrong notions by the social media which questioned if the agency on its own purchase arms and has database among others

‘This misled information has been brought to our attention, hence, need to address it, as placed in the mischievous write up, which raised issues on purchase of arms, database, service numbers of officers, human rights desks among others’.

‘For avoidance of doubt, we operate open door policy, and our headquarters office can be visited for physical check on some questions raised, as addressed below, and we are also ready to provide additional information, if need arises’, the agency added.

‘On the purchase of arms, let it be made clear that the command does not purchase arms on its own, but government is responsible for the purchase for onward transmission to the command for operational use’, the statement explained.

‘The issue raised on data base for officers, this has been in existence with service code of each official, available for check as stated above, and on record of dismissed officers, the data base also available with records’, the agency stressed

‘There was also issue raised in a piece on social media, whether the state command meet with local commanders, to put the record straight, the management holds regular meeting, twice in a month, which involves all stakeholders and strictly on security matters’

‘We also operate human rights desk, which focused on peace conflicts and resolution, as well as directorate of counselling. All these are open for a check by the public, and on the questions on power to arrest and detain suspect, the command has the constitutional duty to arrest and transfer suspect(s) to the police, while the supervising Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs provide finances for smooth running of the affairs of the command’

Penpushing reports that the Commander, however, called on public to join the agency in its proactive measure to fight criminals in the state and environs, as well as report any of its officers found wanting, with assurance that necessary disciplinary measures will be meted to such erring officials

The Commander advised those behind unfounded claim to discredit good work of the organization, to retrace their steps, turn a new leaf and stop insinuations, which holds no water, emphasisng that security should be seen as responsibility of every citizens to jointly make life meaningful

‘We want to once again use this opportunity to seek for cooperation of members of the public, and endeavour to report any established misconduct of any officials to the authority, rather than insinuating and be rest assure that appropriate action shall be taken, as we are known for discipline and disciplinary actions’, Ganzalo emphasized

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