

Obada congratulated the elected officials and party members for their conducts which he said showed level of genuine love and sincerity among them, with the leadership of the party in the state

The newly elected party Chairman, Derin Adebiyi in his acceptance speech noted that the State Congress of the party, remained the most peaceful with information gathered across the country, attributing it to leadership quality of Governor Ibikunle Amosun.

His words ‘This congress witnessed most peaceful congress in the country. A reflection of leadership quality of our Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun. The success of the congress can be attributed to leadership quality of our proactive Governor’.

Lush Arena

Adebiyi declared that, his administration will engage in politics of inclusion, and obey the leadership, stressing that the era of indiscipline is gone and equally boasted that, the party will win the general election in 2019 with a long distance victory.

In his own remark, Governor, Ibikunle Amosun congratulated the new executive, just as he boasted that, he was sure that his successor will be from his ruling party, and called on all those interested to contest the governorship slot primaries to feel free.

Amosun, however, restated his position that, his successor must come from Ogun West Senatorial District, adding that; he would unveil his preferred candidate after the Ramadan period

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