Do we have an exit plan?
By Olalekan Osiade
I think President Buhari may lift the restrictions on movements by Monday, after 28 days of lockdown. It’s a possibility, I may be wrong.
I believe that is the right thing to do, having gone this far in detecting and isolating the majority of the carriers of the coronavirus.
But what is our exit plan? How do we curb community transmission of the covid-19 disease?
Among whatever decisions the Federal Government may take, the President should please agree with the governors’ proposal for a temporary ban on interstate movements, at least for 14 days in the first instance.
As we commute internally in our different states, there is likely possibility of a further spread of the virus within different localities.
As such, the governors also need to devise means of checkmating the spread in their respective states. We need an exit plan.
Meanwhile, despite covid-19 lockdown, we are at work, ensuring that we keep you updated on happenings around the world.
We are categorised among essential services and that’s why we are at work at this time, while you, yes you, you reading me, are at home, enjoying the comfort of the other room. In New Telegraph, we do not only observe personal hygiene, we also observe social distancing at work.
Osiade, an Assistant Editor with New Telegraph writes from Lagos.