
Nigerian journalists celebrate Founder Penpushing Media at 60

The Nigeria Union of Journalists(NUJ), B Zone have congratulated the founder of Penpushing Media, Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji on his 60th birthday describing him as a man of vision and a source of inspiration and a mentor to younger generations

Penpushing reports that the union in the congratulatory letter by the Vice President of Zone, Ronke Samo noted that the contributions of the celebrators when he was the zonal secretary of the union recorded huge successes which remain reference point.

The body of journalists in the letter titled, ‘60 Hearty Cheers to a Man of Vision and Excellence @ 60’ added that the way of the celebrator has pleases God, hence, reasons for him to have personalities within and outside the country associating with him and his project, Penpushing Media

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‘When the way of a man pleases the Lord, he shall stand before Kings and eat at the table of Princes. Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji, we thank the Almighty God for his never ending umbrella of mercy over your life spanning over six decades’, the letter reads.

‘You have no doubt served God and Humanity to the best of your ability which is a symbol of what an individual can achieve with dedication and passion. We therefore, joyfully felicitate with you for your good deeds not forgetting the wonderful time you served the Nigeria Union of Journalists Zone G as the Secretary’, Samo added

‘Your passionate dedication to see that the Union and the zone succeeds despite the challenges is a testimony of the legacies you have laid. We join the good people of Ogun State to celebrate you as you gracefully attain the Diamond age of 60’’, the letter stated.

‘While we celebrate you, we also by extension extend the hand of fellowship to your family and other well-wishers in celebrating this milestone and thanking Almighty God for this rare golden feat’, the letter said.

‘Your life over the past six decades has been evident of a good servant who has assiduously served meritoriously to put your name into the good book of history. You are a symbol of what an individual can achieve with dedication and passion, even in a challenging environment, a source of inspiration and a mentor to younger generations’.

‘Your years of experience as a seasoned and renowned journalist with good working ethics have endeared you to friends and colleagues. We therefore call on the Almighty to grant you years in good health, wealth and the will power to continue to serve the nation and humanity at large. Congratulations sir’, Samo wrote

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