
Nigerian government begs motorists over hardship on Lagos-Ibadan expressway

The Nigerian Government has apologised to motorists plying Lagos-Ibadan expressway for the hardship being faced due to construction works on the Berger-Opic axis of the road, and promised that would make necessary improvements in the traffic management system on the road in order to alleviate the suffering.

Penpushing reports that, the Acting Federal Controller of Works in Lagos State, Forosola Oloyede, made the appeal in a statement, explain that the government was aware of the traffic gridlock due to the ongoing reconstruction works on the expressway.

The Acting Federal Controller of Works said the government feels the pains of the people, especially residents of Lagos and Ogun States who are at the receiving end of the inconveniences due to the gridlock.

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“To this end, the Federal Ministry of Works has concluded plans with the contractor to suspend the works for today Saturday 27th August, 2022 in order to plan and make provisions for required improvements in traffic management on the road,” she said.

Penpushing further reports that, Oloyede pointed out that the highway under construction bears daily heavy vehicular volume and the contractor managed the traffic through dedicated diversions while carrying on construction works.

The Government, however, appealed to all road users to cooperate with the contractor and Traffic Management Officers towards the free flow of traffic throughout the construction period on the ever busy road.

Penpushing also reports that, the controller urged motorists to observe safe driving rules, desist from driving against traffic and obey all dedicated road diversions along the road, in order to prevent unnecessary delays on the road.

“There is also provision for tow trucks along the road should in case of any breakdown, road users should be patient by not driving against traffic and obeying stationed road traffic officers in order to allow for free flow of traffic’, she said.

“In conclusion, it is a known fact, that there is no pain without gain, it is thus our utmost belief that the general public would be the ultimate beneficiaries of the world-class road infrastructure that the government plans to deliver through the ongoing reconstruction works on the road. We, therefore, appeal for the cooperation of the general public towards this end’, Oloyede said

Penpushing reports that, motorists plying the axis have continued to spend long hours in gridlock daily, a situation with the hardship getting worse in the last couple of days.

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