
Nigerian Editors storm Owerri for 2023 biennial convention

The Nigeria Guild Editors (NGE) across the country have arrived Owerri, Imo State Capital for the  2023 national biennial convention to elect new officers, as thirteen of them will stand election for various positions

Penpushng reports that the delegates arrived the town on Thursday ahead of the Friday poll, and notable among them is the icon of journalism and former Governor of Ogun State Chief Olusegun Osoba, as well as Funke Fadugba, who is the Chairman, Editorial Board of Penpushing Media

The delegates on arrival reported at the Rockview Hotels in the town for their accreditation, as number of contestants and their campaigners also seized the opportunity to canvas for votes in what could be described as last minute opportunity to convince delegates

Lush Arena

Penpushing further reports at the venue of the conference banners of contestants adorned the premises, while delegates were also seen exchanging banters ahead of the poll which will pave way for elected officials to oversee affairs of the guild for two years as stipulated by the constitution

The Secretary of the 2023 National Biennial Convention Election Committee, Felix Nwadioha explained that  13 of the 24 positions were being contested, adding that contestants for the President position include Bolaji Adebiyi of Western Post and Eze Anaba of Vanguard Newspaper.

Penpushing also reports that Nwadioha, said other positions include the Secretary-General, Social Secretary and Standing Committees (East and West), Vice President in the East, adding that others are unopposed,

“There will be no election for the vice president in the North and West because they are being returned unopposed. But election will hold for the vice president in the East; the others are unopposed’, Nwadioha added

Penpushing reports that Secretary of the 2023 National Biennial Convention Election Committee. a former Enugu Zonal Manager of News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) urged the candidates to abide by the rules provided in the constitution and the screening committee guidelines

“We are also asking them as agenda setters to set the pace for the politicians to emulate how elections should be conducted. They should preach what they teach and not to emulate what they learnt from those they preach against’, Nwadioha said.

Penpushing further reports that the theme for the conference is “Post 2023 Election: Promoting Professionalism for Enhancement of Democracy and Good Governance.”

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