
Military junta in Niger Republic shuns 7-day ultimatum of Economic Community of West Africa States to handover

The military junta in Niger Republic have shunned the directive of the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) to hand over power to the democratically elected government of the country, which toppled by them through a coup, having given them 7-day ultimatum.

Penpushing report that it is recalled that the West Africa leaders last Sunday, after an emergency meeting gave the coupist led by General Abdourahamane Tchiani to reinstate President Mohammed Bazoum or risk military intervention.

The coupists, however, as at the expiration day of the order, have remained defiant and declared that they would not align with the directive, and also criticised sanctions imposed by West African leaders as illegal and inhumane.

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Penpushing further reports that the leader of the junta in a televised broadcast emphasized that they would not bow down to pressure to reinstate Bazoum, and equally urged Nigeriens to get ready to defend their nation while warning against any interference in Niger’s internal affairs.

The Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) it is also recalled at last Sunday’s meeting, asked the Chiefs of Defence Staff to meet to discuss the possibility of military intervention., while the meetings took place between Wednesday and Friday last week.

Penpushing also reports that the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security Abdel-Fatau Musah at the meeting said all elements that would go into any eventual intervention have been brought out

‘All the elements that would go into any eventual intervention have been brought out here and been refined, including the timing, the resources needed and the how and where and when we are going to deploy such a force’, Abdel-Fatau Musah said

Penpushing reports that, in a twist of events, Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea have declared their support for the coupists ; with Burkina Faso and Mali emphatically declaring  that they will support Niger militarily should Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) move in

The countries:  Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea are members of the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) but are currently led by soldiers who executed coups to oust the democratically elected government in the countries

Penpushing further reports that it is recalled that at the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS), held in Abuja, Nigeria Capital last week no officials of the three countries were in attendance and no official explanations came from them

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