
Media Rights Agenda tasks Nigerian journalists to seek knowledge on guiding practice towards good governance

Maureen Edozie in Enugu

The Media Rights Agenda has tasked Nigerian journalists on need to always seek knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the legal landscape confidently and competently in order to ensure that good governance and democracy continues to strive.

Penpushing reports that Executive Director of the Media Rights Agenda, Mr Edetaen Ojo gave the charge while addressing participants at workshop for journalists on laws and regulations affecting the media in Nigeria held at Bridge Waters Hotel, Enugu.


The Director noted that a well- informed media sector was better positioned to serve the public interest and uphold the principles that will ensure accountability, integrity and credibility of those that govern the nation at all tiers.

Penpushing further reports that Ojo observed that the two- day workshop will assist journalists to understand the laws of defamation, contempt of court, sedition, freedom of information act and how to use the act to obtain information with a view to wriggling out of trouble with the rich and powerful in the society.

‘Being well -informed about these legal boundaries can help you as a journalist to avoid unnecessary brushes with the law to enable you carry out your duties safely and confidently, the Director emphasised

Penpushing also reports that he explained that the workshop will be interactive and engaging appealing to participants to be fully involved by asking questions, sharing experiences and foster collaborative environment where everyone learns from each other.

“Journalists who understand laws guiding them can push back against censorship, demand access to information and it will help them to resist intimidation from those who would want to abuse the law to get at them or seek to use the law legitimately to prevent you from doing your job “, he stated.

Penpushing reports that the Media Rights Agenda with support from MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigate Journalism (WSCIJ) under Collaborative Media Engagement for Development Inclusion Accountability (CMEDIA) Project.

Meanwhile, for every right, there seems to be corresponding limitation and no right is certainly absolute hence the profound need of the workshop for journalists to assist them trudge through the landmine-laced terrain of laws guiding their practice.

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