Metro Plus


A 27 year old man, Faniyi Ajibola, has been arraigned before Chief Magistrate Court in Ikeja, Lagos State for allegedly stealing sachet of salt, two bottles of Holy Communion wine and soaps from a church in Mushin area of the State.

Penpushing reports that, the accused person said to be unemployed,  resident of Mushin is facing two count charge of theft and breach of peace, but pleaded not guilty when charges were  read to him in the court

The prosecution counsel, Edet Akadu, told the court that items stolen by the defendant worth the sum of N46,000, adding that he committed the offence on September 24, 2019,emphasizing  that, “the defendant unlawfully entered a Catholic church at Mushin in Lagos and stole two bottles of holy communion, four sachet of soap and a sachet of salt valued N46,000,’’

Lush Arena

Penpushing further reports that, Akadu told the court that the accused was caught by members of the church while drinking the Holy Communion wine at the altar and handed him over to the police, stressing that  the offence contravened the provisions of sections 287 and 168 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015.

The accused if convicted under section 28, is liable to three years in prison, while Section 168 stipulates six months jail term for beach of the peace.

Meanwhile, the Chief Magistrate K.O. Ogundare admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N20, 000 with two sureties in like sum, and thereafter adjourned the case until February. 5, for further hearing.

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