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Yanju Uwala in Abeokuta

The General Overseer of Solution Chapel Cherubim and Seraphim, located in Ikoyi-Ile in Osun State, Segun Phillips who actively participated in the gruesome murder of Daley-Oladele a final year Sociology student of Lagos State University (LASU) said he used toad, frog and snake to compliment flesh of the deceased for the ritual.

Penpushing reports that, the fake cleric made the disclosure when Penpushing visited him in his detention cell at Eleweran Police Headquarters in Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital, during an exclusive interview, confessing that he made request for use of humanbeing for the exercise when the deceased boyfriend approached him to turn around his misfortunes.

Lush Arena

The 42 year old suspect disclosed that, he learnt the occultism from his late boss he called  Oba Shioni, ‘It is one of my boss, that taught me, Oba Sioni, the day that I asked him, please, how can we do it to enjoy life? He gave me the knowledge and I hold unto it’.

Penpushing further reports that,he admitted that his act was ungodly, calling on God to forgive him and his accomplice, ’I only ask God to forgive us because I don’t even know what to say to answer it. May God just forgive us, just to ask God to forgive us because I know that we have sinned.

The suspect who revealed that he established the church in 2014 said on completion of the ritual processes, his clients were expected to use it to bath, adding that he was optimistic that, thereafter wonders will start manifesting in the lives of his clients.

Penpushing also reports that, Phillips said he hold church services on Fridays and Sundays, and dedicated Saturday for the killing of the innocent girl, when no church members would be around, adding that, on arrival of the victim, he had earlier ordered his  two wives and children to retired home, so as not to let them know what was to happen.

The fake Prophet , a father of two children said he got to know Owolabi, the deceased boyfriend through his uncle who had earlier came for spiritual; solutions, ’we collected each others contact and we do call each other, so that’s how we became friends’.

Penpushing reports that,he confessed that he provided the object used to smash the head of the girl, while she was fast asleep, and after  her death, he severed parts of his body, which include head, breasts, two arms and hearts  and thereafter dumped and covered  the remains in an abandoned well close to the church.

‘It was after killing I took knife which was used to remove what were needed from her body.  Her hands, heart and breast, and thereafter burnt and used as concoction and also used to make soap, and that’s the soap you are seeing.

The suspect said, he was arrested when his phone was tracked through a friend resident in Ibadan, explaining that the friend was not in the know of the devilsh act, nor does he know he is into occultism, just as he also appealed to government not to take capital punishment against him and accomplice

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