
Group urges political gladiators in ogun state to embrace peace

A Group known as Concerned Indigenes of Ogun State (CIOS) has called on political gladiators in the state to avoid state of anarchy and retraced their steps towards alleged possible mayhem over power tussle.

Penpushing reports that the group coordinator, Barrister Olufemi Oniyide made the appeal in a statement on Sunday, pointing out that the recent political violence on the major street leading to the court where election petition tribunal was sitting was a dangerous signal to the peace of the state.

The legal practitioner noted that that it is worrisome that frivolous criminal suits are flying all around, urging all aggrieved parties for the sake of peace to sheathe their swords , and that  the security agencies should buckle  up and protect the citizens.

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‘We hereby use this medium to plead with the government of Ogun State and all political parties in the state to allow peace to reign in our dear Gateway State. We decided to shout out now, lest we bring anarchy upon ourselves in Ogun State over the ambition of some political gladiators’, Oniyide emphaised

Penpushing further reports that the concern citizens demanded that the security agencies should investigate the alleged violence, so that the perpetrators can be brought to book and serve as a deterrent to future occurrence.

‘We are also using this opportunity to plead with the security agencies to please stand up and protect the good people of Ogun State against hoodlums. Help us so that politicians don’t bring a bloodbath on us’, the group begged

‘We plead that Ogun State should not be turned into a state where the days and fire of the Wild, Wild West are rekindled. Once again, we congratulate every Nigerian for the peaceful transition of government to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. May your time bring succor to Nigerians’, Oniyide wrote

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