

“Our State has remained steadily prosperous because of your positive outlook. I urge you to always stay positive in your personal and communal lives and continue to aspire to great thing’,Ambode stated.

The Governor thanked Lagosians for believing in his administration and for the support so far, and specifically appreciated members of All Progressives Congress (APC) and political leaders in the State.

Lush Arena

He told the gathering that a lot had been achieved, but added that he was nonetheless daunted or tired to achieve a lot more for the State, adding that such was the reason for seeking the support of the people to achieve more for the state.

“In these three and a half years as your Governor, I have seen visible proof that we can achieve unbelievable things when we all come together with no more than our belief in our dreams.We achieved because you believed. But there is still a lot more to be done’.

‘But I am not daunted. I am not tired. And I am sure you feel the same way because we all envision a better Lagos, a Lagos of our dreams.So, I humbly call you again, to give me your support as I seek to continue with your mandate to steer the affairs of our State. I ask you to believe again and together, let’s achieve more,”Ambode said.

Penpushing reports that, Governor Ambode, had earlier picked up his expression of interest and nomination form at the National Secretariat of the party in Abuja,



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