
Governor Adeleke approves new logo for Osun state

The Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke has assented to a bill adopting a new logo for the state, describing the new symbol as a signal of new rebirth for the state designed to represents the state’s historic anthem, values and tradition.

Penpushing reports that Adeleke signing the new logo into law, the governor added that this will herald a new life of prosperity, abundance and sustainability for the people and admirers noting that the logo was an educational resource material for the younger generation as it contained symbols of the state’s landmarks, strengths, resources and history

The Governor in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary the spokesperson to the state governor, Olawale Rasheed, emphasizing that the logo was also a tool that could be used to market the state at home and abroad.

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“It is my honour and privilege to introduce the new logo as the symbol of our state. This announcement will herald a new life of prosperity, abundance and sustainability for our people and admirers’, Adeleke said.

Penpushing further reports that the Speaker of the Osun State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Adewale Egbedun, on his part described the new logo as meaningful and representative of the people, heritage and potentials.

The Speaker congratulated the Governor and residents on the occasion, pledging that the State Assembly would continue to support the laudable initiatives of the executive arm of government.

Penpushing also reports that the statement explained that the new law provides some details of the new logo as follows: State symbols/icons: The Circle – The circle replacing the shield symbolises perfection and wholeness.

Y – Though not clearly depicted through the placement of the water, earth, and mountains in the circle, it represents the three senatorial districts in Osun State united as one, hence the lack of delineation between all three elements.

Osun River – This is represented, connected to a waterfall; Osun state being the ‘State of the Living Spring.’ The river situated on the upper part of the Y supplies water to the fertile brown agricultural soil of the land on the left. It also wets the mountains on the right of the Y. The waterfall also supplies water that nourishes the leaves and the cocoa seeds, which also house the fish. In essence, this represents the source of life and nourishment in Osun State.

Brown Agricultural Soil – This represents fertility and is a source of food. It is located on the left side of the Y.

Mountains – Osun State is renowned for its hills and mountains, hence the distinct representation. It is located on the right side of the Y. Mountains in various contexts, representing tourism, hospitality, and spirituality. It is a symbol of drawing strength.

Ori Olokun – The Ori Olokun stands for the common origin of the Yoruba race and is a great symbol of Osun State, especially for royalty.

The rays of light (Imole in Yoruba) – This represents one of the state symbols as it is depicted in the state anthem. It symbolises clarity, enlightenment, hope and guidance, often representing knowledge, truth and understanding. Its placement at the top clearly illustrates its importance in the state as its rays touch every element/symbol of the state, thereby bringing light (progress, success and clarity) to it.

1991- the year the state was established.

Natural Resources: Cocoa leaves/Fruits/Tree/Cocoa Beans – at the base of the coat of arms, it symbolises agriculture and the natural resources of the land, from food crops to logging to cash crops.

Leaves (in the form of a garland) – These are universally used at the installation of Obas and chiefs in Yoruba land, including Osun State, to signify longevity and triumph.

Gold – this is one of the precious stones found in Osun State, and it is available in commercial quantities and is a great source of revenue for the state.

Fishes – this is one of the natural resources available in Osun State and a source of livelihood for indigenes.

Colours: Gold – signifies the royalty and nobility of the Osun race. Ruby Red- also associated with nobility. Orange – symbolises the hospitable nature of Osun State people. Yellow – symbolises the happy nature of Osun State people.

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