
Former President Obasanjo visits penpushing media corporate headquarters, showers blessings

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Tuesday visited the new corporate headquarters of Penpushing Media located in Leme axis of Moshood Abiola Way, Abeokuta Ogun State Capital, expressing satisfaction on rapid and positive growth of the organisation

Penpushing reports that Obasanjo arrived the office premises at about 10am into the waiting hands of Editorial board members of the media outlet led by chairman Funke Fadugba and later ushered him (Obasanjo) into the office

The founder of Penpushing Media Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji in company of editorial board members conducted the former president round the office and also gave details of the profile of the organisation which started operations six years ago and has become a household name globally in the media industry

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Penpushing further reports that Obasanjo in his speech expressed satisfaction on positive growth of the establishment, adding that with the modest beginning to relevance status across the globe, he was optimistic that the media outlet has come to stay.

‘I am impressed with the modest beginning and I hope that this business will grow beyond our expectations in a short time’, the delighter  and joyful former President of Federal Republic of Nigeria emphasized

Penpushing also reports that Obasanjo said he was proud to be associated with Penpushing Media, pointing that the modest beginning has transformed to good and encouraging results, adding that the commitment of the founder and management was commendable.

The former President who could not hide his joy and satisfaction about the feat recorded by the organization, led a prayer session for the establishment and equally gave pledge to support the media outlet in all ramifications

‘I am impressed and let me say this, we would support Penpushing Media where necessary, and don’t hesitate to reach us when need arises. What started as modest beginning has now yielded good results. This is commendable and impressive. God will be with your and bless the project’, Obasanjo stated

The founder of the media outlet, Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji said one of the objectives of Penpushing Media is to transform journalism practice for better, stressing that the team will not desist in fighting fake news

Penpushing reports that he explained that Penpushing Media has been robustly nurtured on the journalistic ideology of adding value to journalism worldwide, by ensuring credible sources of news around the world, recalling that the journey started on July 19, 2016 on a social media platform with 256 members at inception across the globe.

The founder explained that as it progresses, a lecture, which has become a regular project aimed at adding value to the noble profession of journalism, was introduced, stressing that the organization which has become a famous global news dissemination platform, got its certificate of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on June 1, 2017, with the headquarters in Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital

‘Penpushing is indeed set to correct and tackle the menace of fake news which is almost becoming daily occurrence in the world with its greater negative impact in our clime, particularly owing to myriad of online communication channels’, Kayode-Adedeji said.

‘Similarly, it aims to revive the dwindling fortune of journalism practice and be a credible platform for genuine news to its readers across the globe. In line with our mission, we shall consciously want to err on the side of caution to authenticate news for dissemination on Penpushing platform’, he added.

Penpushing further reports that the Chairman Editorial Board, Deaconess Olufunke Fadugba in her remarks on behalf of the management and board thanked Obasanjo for the honour to have visited the corporate headquarters of the organization.

The Chairman added that the visit will serve and remain a reference point in the history of the media outlet, adding that the coming of the former president to the corporate office of Penpushing Media added values, and equally raise its profile.

Penpushing also reports that Fadugba assured Obasanjo that the organization will not derail from its editorial policy in reporting the truth and continuous war against fake news and the purveyors across the globe

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