

‘My believe in the capacity and efficiency of Ogun State Civil Service as one of the best in Nigeria service delivery is unshakable and it must be encouraged’, adding that if elected his administration will also provide massive investment in agriculture by providing rural infrastructure, land and equipment to increase productivity.

‘I will encourage investment in infrastructure to promote manufacturing through Agro based industries and expand trade within and outside Nigeria. Our insurance policy will be looked into to protect and accommodate farmers and investors in Ogun State’, Adesegun said.


He also added that, the educational sector will be critically looked into, particularly providing more conducive environment for private sector participation in all levels of education, while the health sector policy must be carefully understudied towards better health care with utmost reduction in both infant mortality and maternal mortality

The former Deputy Ggovernor stated that his government will ensure that local government independence is guaranteed in line with the dictates of the constitution, stressing that a faithful execution of the mentioned will create gainful employment for the youth to secure the future

‘I therefore call on all indigenes of Ogun State, friends and well wishers, colleagues to register for the forthcoming election to support and assist me in making Ogun State of our dream a reality’, adding that,’ irrespective of our lofty ideas the revenue of the State and its generating capacity comes in handy. I will not loose site of this in prioritization of government policy at different sectors’

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