
Former Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan to supervise Sierra Leone elections on Saturday

The Nigeria’s former President Dr Goodluck Jonathan is to monitor the Sierra Leone general elections scheduled to hold on Saturday, and towards this mission he (Jonathan) on Wednesday arrived Freetown, the capital city of the country.

Penpushing reports that, Jonathan who is the Head of the West African Elders Forum (WAEF) 2023 Election Mission to Sierra Leone, is expected to encourage and support a peaceful democratic transition in the country.

The statement from Goodluck Jonathan Foundation Communications Officer (GJF), Wealth Ominabo, added that the former President said he has urged citizens of the country to be patriotic in discharging their civil responsibility in the election.

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Penpushing further reports that  Ominabo added that  Jonathan, who doubles as the forum’s chairman, will be join by other members of the mission which include Kadre Ouedraogo, the former Burkinabe Prime Minister and one-time president of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); and members of staff from the West African Elders Forum (WAEF) secretariat.

‘The mission urges citizens of Sierra Leone to approach the election with utmost patriotism by prioritising the nation’s peace and stability and refrain from acts capable of undermining the nation’s democracy’, Jonathan was quoted saying

Penpushing also reports that the Foundation Communications Officer explained that the team would have a series of consultative engagements with different political actors and key stakeholders in Sierra Leone.

The statement added that these include leaders of the political parties, candidates, the Election Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL), security agencies, the diplomatic community, civil society groups and the media.

‘Since its establishment in 2020, WAEF, an initiative of the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, has undertaken missions to different countries in the sub-region, including Gambia and Nigeria.This is in line with the Forum’s mission of preventive diplomacy to reduce electoral-related tension and violence in West Africa’, Ominabo said.

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