

The former lawmaker who represented Ado-Odo/Ota Constituency at the Assembly during former Governor Olusegun Osoba tenure assured the youths that he would, not be an ingrate,nor serve as a stooge if elected into office.

‘I can’t be an ingrate if you support me. I want you to invest your energy and time on me. Don’t take me as one of the treasury looters. I am a grassroot politician and want you to partner with me. I want to assure you that you are going to enjoy my representation..

A British trained journalist turned politician said his mission at the National Assembly is to champion and facilitate laws for the wellbeing of all Nigerians and among others promote a law by the National Assembly on Social Welfare Benefit System.

Lush Arena

‘This law will make it mandatory for federal government to provide social benefit to our pregnant mothers, nursing mothers, pay child’s benefit for under 16,pay unemployment benefit for our youths and all unemployed persons, pay social benefit for aged 65 and above.

He emphasized that, this new social welfare benefit system will create social security for all Nigerians, help put an end to poverty and also stop the corrupt practices resulting from insecurity in today Nigeria

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