



Lush Arena

Special guest and moderators:

 Traditional rulers, Ogun State NYSC management team, Rep. from Ministry of Education, LG and Chieftaincy Affairs and Ogun State Police Command.


 HRM Oba Dr Festus Oluwole Makinde (JP), Olu of Igbein land Obafemi Owode LG, Ogun State.

COMPILED BY: Adeoje Yomade Usman  OG/18C/2330

Date: 23rd September 2019.


15th year coronation anniversary of the Olu of Igbeinland Oba (Dr) Festus Oluwole Makinde (JP) Ojoru Joba Lisoyi 1 was a mouthwatering event which lasted for 8days and entailed fascinating and educative program as well as empowerment program. As part of the activities schedule for the anniversary, a social media workshop and award competition was organized for corps members serving in Obafemi Owode Local Government with the theme “why African youth must be socially and culturally responsible on social media in the 21st century “.

Wednesday 28th of August 2019 was a great day with a great event which had in attendance at the Olu of Igbeinland palace loburo, traditional rulers from far and near, NYSC Ogun state management team, representative from ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy titles, representative from ministry of Education, Ogun State Police command, former commissioner for culture and tourism Ogun State, members of HRM heritage forum (whose patron is the Olu of Igbeinland), Corps members serving in different organizations within the Local government gracing the event.

The workshop event was an educative one which everyone present was able to learn one or two things at the end of the event.


The program was aimed at sensitising Corps members and other attendees on why they should be responsible while using social media both culturally and socially.

The aim of the workshop event was tremendously achieved by the organisers through the use of some pre-set objectives which was as follows:

(1) The resource person concisely took everyone through the workshop session as         detailed as possible and in a classroom presentation form which made it touch the   heart of all and sundry.

(2) Prior to the commencement of the presentation, the resource person made it known to Corps members present that there will be a ward competition among some selected few to see what they have been able to learn during the course of his          presentation. This in turn made everyone to be attentive so that they can have a chance to compete for the award winning prize.


The program was a workshop event organised by HRM Heritage Forum basically for Corps members serving in Obafemi Owode Local Government as part of the program earmarked to mark the 15th coronation anniversary of the Olu of Igbeinland with the theme “Why African youth must be socially and culturally responsible on social media in the 21st century.

The workshop event which had in attendance traditional rulers from far and near gracing the event commenced at exactly 10am with the National anthem and pledge strictly followed by Ogun state and NYSC anthem respectively. The anchor of the program the Onitetiku of Owode Ota Oba Abdulwasiu Akanni Ogungbayi introduced all dignitaries present at the event starting from the traditional rulers, NYSC officials, representative from ministry of Local Government and chieftaincy titles, representative from ministry of Education, Ogun State police command, former commissioner for culture and tourism Ogun State among others.

Traditional rulers present include Olu of Ibafo, Onimoko of Mokoloki, Olu of Owode, with the Olu of Itoriland Oba Abdulfatai Akanmo being the chairman of the event. Otunba Rufai Adeleke (Secretary HRM Heritage Forum) being the resource person, took everyone present most importantly we the corps members through the workshop session with a power point presentation which was well delivered. He made us to know why we must not be among those who misuse the social media and what is likely to be the effect of not being responsible while using social media in this modern days of ours.  He charge us to be careful of what we say on social media, what we post on social media and task anyone who has any indecent picture on any of the social media to try as much as possible to take it down so that it won’t Mar them in the long run in the near future.

After his presentation, some corps members wowed the audience with a drama presentation to appreciate the magnanimous act of the Olu of Igbeinland towards we Corps Members serving in the Local member.

Consequent on that, six Corps members were randomly selected to participate in the ward competition (one of which I was)  with Adedeji (Gbadume) Anita Damilola with state code OG/19B/0171, Jegede Francis Imoohi with state code OG/18C/3196,Adeboye Rachel Adeola with State Code OG/19A/ 3504, Usman Sanusi Mohammed with state code OG/19B/3881, Oluwarayi Blessing Jesupemi with state code OG/18C/3546 and Adeoje Yomade Usman with state code OG/18C/2330 being the six (6) Corps members selected for the ward competition.

The ward competition was handled by Hon Oladapo Mayowa (former commissioner for culture and tourism Ogun State) he charged each corps member to do a recap of the presentation of the resource person in two minutes after which was followed up with question and answer to determine the winner of the ward competition.

At the end of the question and answer session among the selected six Corps members, Adeoje Yomade Usman with state code OG/18C/2330 was adjudged to be the winner of the competition while Jegede Francis Imoohi with state code OG/18C/3196 and Adedeji (Gbadume) Anita Damilola with state code OG/19B/0171 came second and third respectively.

The program was called to an end by the presentation of awards to the three corps members by the Olu of Ibafo, representative of the state coordinator Ogun state NYSC Mrs Joke Oyenuga and the chairman of the event the Olu of Itoriland Oba Abdulfatai Akanmo who also gave the vote of thanks and declared the event closed with photograph and warm greetings from all attendees.


The program to me was an educative with a lot of key information required by most corps members as we sojourn into the labour market. The program was what i termed an eye-opener for we Corp members to be wary of how we handle our social media accounts so that it will not be used against us by employers of labour when the time comes.

Personally, for me it was the right topic presented at the right time by the right person for us as we have some batch passing out very soon, so we have been informed before the period and we can perfect our social media accounts in a way that it will bring about prestige for us during Job hunting.

More so, the ward competition was also a free and fair, this was attested to by the Corps members seated at the event. I was very happy for taking the first position at the competition which provides me with the opportunity of going home with a brand new Laptop.


The workshop event was an educative one in which everyone present learned one or two things. The following are some of the things I learnt at the event:

(1) During the workshop event I was able to understand that no information drop on social media is confidential, hence one has to be careful of which information one wants to drop on social media sites.

(2) In addition to that, I got to know that terms and conditions of every social media site should be read and digested before supplying to them key information’s.

(3) The workshop event exposes me to an unknown fact that employers of labour nowadays has adopt the checking of social media accounts of job seekers in their organisation secretly to verify and find out more about the person.

(4) During the course of the event, I came to realize that spending much time on social media doing nothing, uploading of indecent picture, promoting ethnic bigotry as well as spreading hate speeches are all out of irresponsible use of social media.

(5) One key thing learnt at the workshop event was that Good use of social media                           as a price while bad use of it also have a price.

(6) Finally at the event, I was able to understand that using one’s real identity and information on social media is very important as it shows how responsible one is in the real sense.


The workshop event is a knowledge based one whose importance cannot be overlooked, hence the need for the continuity of such program beyond the four words of the palace as everyone present at the program needs to try as much as possible to convey it to those closer to them so that irresponsibility of our youth on social media will reduce drastically and we can have more of focused youth than distracted youth in our society.


With what I have learnt at the event, I will gladly suggest to youth in our society the following things:

(1) Youth should spend less time on social media doing nothing because time is money and a lost time can never be regain.

(2) They should make use of social media sites for positive things like promoting               their business, promoting their culture and as well as socializing with people for national integration.

(3) I will clearly suggest to them to abstain from using social media for fraudulent activity, spreading of hate speeches and promotion of ethnic bigotry.

(4) Youth should not get carried away with the use of social media as this can make them derail in their future goals.

(5) Youth should be careful of what they post, pictures they upload and the social media sites they are visiting.


There is a saying which goes thus, if you are not informed you will be deformed, in as much as we have lot of youth on social media, we also have adult on social media and we have lot of youth and adult who are not responsible while using social media therefore I will suggest to government authority to try as much as possible to come up with a workshop event like this on responsible use of social media for their staff this will in turn be an added advantage to the government too.


The theme of the program literally entails culture which is what our royal fathers always try as much as possible to preserve. In the wake of this i will suggest to all traditional rulers present to come up with this kind of workshop program in their various communities as this will enlighten youth of that community on why they need to be a good ambassadors of their culture while accessing social media.


In modern day of ours, social media as categorically taken over from mass media. Youth of nowadays have access to social media more than mass media. In order for it to be an advantage to the society, since there is a subject taught across all classes in our secondary school which is Civic Education which is a compulsory subject for all with the aim that it will help our youth to be law abiding, i humbly suggest to all educational institution that a topic on responsible use of social media should be incorporated in the syllabus of civic education because we are in the era of social media and there is a probability that unborn generation will also use it. So if they are been taught in the classroom at their youthful age, they will be mindful of it negativity when the time comes and this will have a positive effect on the society at large.


It is quite unfortunate that in our own dear country educative program hardly see any notable sponsors, but I will firstly commend the sponsors of the workshop event for contributing to a program which impact people with beneficial knowledge.

At this juncture, i will implore them to keep sponsoring program like this and to those who can also sponsor programs like this but are not i humbly pray God almighty open their eyes to be able to see the benefit of sponsoring such program.


NYSC is a scheme which largely expect serving Corps members to be social media responsible as it is stated in bye laws that no Corps members should speak ill of the government or officials of the scheme. However, due to the irresponsible use of social media by we Corps members we tend to go against such rule.

Hence the need for this suggestion that Nysc Ogun State management team should try as much as possible to liaise with the resource person and his team to always come to the orientation camp in Sagamu whenever new Corps members are on camp to take there the reasons why they must be social media responsible this will help them throughout the course of their service year.


Knowledge becomes beneficial when shared to those who doesn’t know. It is at the point am suggesting to corps members present at the program that they should try as much as possible to convey the lessons learnt at the program to their friends, family, relatives and loved ones and that they should also try as much as possible to abide with what they have learnt.


Consistency is key to achieving whatever pre-set goals one has in life. It is to this end that i will recommend to organizers of the program to ensure continuity of this program most importantly not to only Corps members but to the larger society as well. This i believe will help us sanitize the society and we will be highly respected in the larger world. More so the number of waste away youth will be reduced.


All praises and adoration belongs to God almighty, the unforgettable creator of all creatures. My sincere appreciation goes to the Olu of Igbeinland Oba (Dr) Festus Oluwole Makinde (JP) Ojoru Joba Lisoyi 1 for the great opportunity he presented to we Corps members.

I am highly indebted to him for the laptop he presented to me for coming first in the ward competition among Corps members.

My profound gratitude and commendation also goes to HRM heritage forum and Otunba Rufai Adeleke (Secretary of HRM Heritage Forum) for such a wonderful and educative program.

Finally, my sincere appreciation goes to all traditional rulers present, Ogun state NYSC management team, representative from ministry of Local Government and chieftaincy titles, representative from ministry of Education and Ogun state police command.

Thank you all.

Long Live Olu of Igbeinland!

Long Live Igbeinland!!

Long Live HRm Heritage Forum!!!


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