

The Minister who was represented by the Director of Basic Secondary Education, Federal Ministry of Education, Dr. Mrs. Lawani Amadu  said,”with an estimated 13.2 million children out of school, Nigeria has the highest number of the out of school children in Sub Saharan Africa, and for us to address these challenges adequately, we must strengthen the quality of basic education in Nigeria.”

Penpushing further reports that, the Minister highlighted the intention of Federal Government on the launch ,explaining that the programme focuses on 17 States across the nation, which includes the entire 13 States of the North West and North East Geo political zones, Niger, Oyo, Ebonyi and Rivers States, noting that the selection of these States was based on the prevalence of the number of out of school children. “

Lush Arena

“BESDA programme became effective on 22 January, 2018 with the commencement of implementation process at the Federal level. All the key activities at the Federal level to kick start implementation of the programme by the focus States have been concluded.” Adamu said.

Penpushing also reports that, the Deputy Governor of Oyo State Otunba Moses Adeyemo while speaking on behalf of the State Governor,Abiola Ajimobi  said that education is a vital part of human welfare and existence, adding that the aim of the program was to bring back all the out of school children.

The Governor also explained that the people of Oyo State considered the program as a good privilege because the State is the only State in whole of South-West that is the beneficiary of the program, assuring that, “the federal government will ensure that necessary mechanism is put in place for the successful implementation of this program”.

Penpushing also reports that, he pointed out that no nation can develop without education and there is need to improve our educational system to bring development that is all inclusive on management basis.

“Education remain the only vital ingredient for the development and growth of any nation and continual development human capital”, he emphasized, adding that  the present administration of  All Progressives Congress(APC) both at federal and state levels are committed to the development of education to take this nation to higher level, noting that it has drawn a credible direct map towards the operation of stake holders in education

“Oyo State Government has spent huge amount of money on education in ensuring qualitative education and service in the State to enhance basic education delivery”, he stated.

 The Executive Secretary of Universal Basic Education Commission, Dr. Hamid Bobboyi  in his remark said Better Education Service Delivery For All (BESDA) is an operational that seek to mop up the OOSC in our nation particularly in the North.

The Director represented by Mallam Wadatu Madawaki  said,”Our collective failure to strategies’ and accord the education sector it deserved attention that led us to this situation where we have to resort to talking a huge world bank credit to try to solve this menace which is by no means a major challenge to the overall development and survival of the entire nation.”

“It is a bad thing if it is not quickly resolved and it can lead to the collapse of our entire social systems the situation being currently witnessed is the destruction of lives and properties and the unprecedented dislocation of social systems by different forms of insurgencies.”

“It is shameful and sad that 30 years after the launch of ‘Education For All'(EFA), we are here taking about OOSC in our society. This is totally unacceptable and this brings me to the next dimension of the BESDA Operation as it relates to individuals and collective responsibilities. The aim of this program is to bring our out school children to school and to ensure they are able to read and write’


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