
Falana accuses Governors as contributory factors to Nigeria’s misfortune

A Human Rights Activist, Femi Falana on Tuesday accused Nigerian Governors as major contributory factors in compounding crisis that pervaded the country, stressing that they have neglected their constitution responsibilities towards welfare and security of the governed.

Penpushing reports that Falana made this known while speaking on “Governance Structure and Rule of Law’ at the 50th Anniversary Lecture/ Interactive Session of Abeokuta Club held at the club millennium hall located along Presidential Boulevard, Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital.
The firebrand Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) said it is ridiculous seeing the Governors running to the Presidency in Abuja to seek for help on good governance when the constitution specifies their constitutional responsibilities towards the welfare of the governed as well as provision of adequate security for the citizens in their various states.
‘The country is in crisis, the crisis is compounded by the state governors. The constitution is clear and specifies the roles of the governors on welfare of citizens of their states. It is not affairs of Abuja alone to secure the country. Governors should secure their states, rather than running to Abuja. The 36 state governors should meet regularly to discuss police power. Constitution vested power on Governors to secure their states”,Falana emphasised.
Penpushing further reports that, he said it is worrisome that the President appoints Inspector General of Police without the knowledge and inputs of the governors, stressing that the constitution provides that, the appointment of the police leadership must involved the governors, adding that it was also wrong to appoint politician as Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria(SAN), citing example of Godwin Emeifele as bad example of an appointee to head the apex bank, being a card carrying member of a political party in the country.
The Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) faulted the President appointing himself as Minister of Petroleum, arguing that it is illegal because his name was never presented to the national assembly for approval or confirmation, and therefore said that position apportion to the president must be challenge in the court
‘The President is illegal Minister of Petroleum. His name was not submitted to national assembly for confirmation or approval. We cannot enjoy democracy, if we cannot take care of our people. We should all rise up to fight for rule of law’, Falana declared.
Penpushing also reports that the renowned legal practitioner lamented and frowned at the allocation of oil block to individuals in the country, stressing that, it is Illegal and explained that by constitution oil block allocations are meant for state and local governments, and therefore charged the Governors to fight it out in court.
“Governors should go to court and fight that oil block allocations must be given to states and local governments and not individuals’, Falana declared
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