

She said, the group donation was with the coordination mechanism of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), adding that ,the donation  to the IDPs  include food items such as Noodles, tomato puree and rice as well as non-food items such as detergents, clothing and toiletries.

However, she noted that the relief items would not resolve the challenges of displacement but ‘the materials were the group widow’s mite to demonstrate that ‘we share in your plight and we truly care. We know this is not much but every little help is all that matters.”

The founder, while reacting to the number of school age children at the place enjoined parents to enrol their children in schools,stressing, “please allow your children to attend schools in the neighbourhood. Every opportunity to get them educated should be seized” she added.

Lush Arena

In response, the leader of the IDPs, Mr Lawal Chakule, thanked the group for their kind gestures and love that he noticed transcends tribe, religion and geographical location, acknowledging the support of the host community and assured that the IDPs would remember the group   in their prayers.

The visit to the IDPs in Abuja was the round-up of a two-week humanitarian outreach which started on December 23, 2017, at Ajegunle; and on December 26 moved to Teslim Balogun Stadium, Surulere Lagos.

The group in collaboration with Black Diamond Support Foundation, fed 5,000 kids; provided 5000 printed notebooks, 1000 water bottles and 100 mosquito nets, while  on December 30 2017, extended its helping hands to the less privileged children of Ogodoh, a suburb of Mende Maryland Lagos.

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