

Political observers expressed fear that state workers would want to change the ruling party because they can’t entrust their future in the hands of Prof. Eleka who is part of the current administration that didn’t pay their salaries.

Although Fayose appears to have prepared for the showdown with public workers as he tacitly cursed anyone who would not vote for his anointed candidate at the poll describing them as ingrates.

However, people of the state, according to rumour mills, are developing cold feet in casting their votes for the PDP standard bearer because he would merely serve as a figurehead governor.

Lush Arena

It is currently rumoured that Fayose would be running the government, which the people see as a third-term agenda of the incumbent governor.

According to some chieftains of PDP, who preferred anonymity, Prof Eleka has entered into agreement with the incumbent governor to allow him(Fayose) handle award of contracts and political mechanism of the party.

The erudite professor bequeathed the two offices to his boss, but with a caveat that the current House of Assembly would impeach him if he attempts to renege on the agreement at least before May 29, 2019 in case he sails through the poll. Prof. Eleka would rather uphold the dictates of the deal as he’s not sure of which party would dominate the Assembly after May 29.

Nevertheless, more revelations may begin to emerge soonest as some of members of his cabinet who defected to APC may start opening Pandora’s boxes.

Bolu-Olu Esho is a journalist and socio-political analyst.

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