
Child Protection Network partners ogun state government to secure justice for girl set on fire by guardian

The Child Protection Network (CPN) has collaborated with Ogun State Government to come to the aid of a minor whose private part was set on fire by her guardian, in Obada axis of Ewekoro local government area of the state for allegedly eating biscuit without consent of the family.

Penpushing reports that this was made known in a statement jointly issued and signed by Adedamola Lapite (Coordinator) and Similoluwa Adebanjo (Secretary) of the network made available to journalists on Friday.

The Child Protection Network (CPN) in the statement said following the ugly development it has been inundated with calls, hence, the need as a body to rise up to the issue and team up with government in ensuring that the culprit did not escape justice

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Penpushing further reports that the body confirmed that the 25-year-old suspect identified as Temitope Adeyanju has been apprehended by the police while investigation was ongoing in preparatory for her arraignment

“As a Network, we are in collaboration with the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development working on adequate medical and psychosocial care for the girl and further information shall be given as time goes on”, the statement said

Penpushing also reports that the network cautioned member of the public to stop sharing on the video showing her face and private part as brutalized, stressing that such will not serve a good purpose for a minor, as it amounts to breaching her privacy

‘May we use this medium to plead that the video of the girl being circulated showing her face be stopped forthwith as in the process of sharing same, we    are further breaching her right to privacy and dignity of person. We understand people may be doing it with the belief that it is in the bid to garner support for her but the truth is that it is causing more harm than good’, the statement emphasized.

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