

The Director declared that, every child has rights, irrespective of their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, adding that children and youth are in conflict with their families and communities and have been denied their fundamental human righst of freedom by being incarcerated in correctional centers where they are being visited by every form of conceivable violence.

Penpushing further reports that, Walker noted that it is disheartening to note that the Network  still have a long way to go in realizing the goal of ensuring that Oyo State Children rRghts are protected and not infringe on by all stakeholders including the Government, Instructions, Parents and Communities.

Lush Arena

“Our mandate is to promote the right of the children and protect them from and respond to all forms of abuses, we advocate for every stakeholders to commit and recommit to giving every child right that is due to them because where there is political will and determination, children’s lives and well-being will improve.”

“We note with dismay the level of abuse, the failure of communities and institutions and government to intervene before the level of damage it has done to the lives of the hapless youth and children”, the Director emphasised

“Other form of abuses and denial of child rights abound in Oyo State and seem to be increasing exponentially includes, malnutrition, sexual abuse of the girl child, genital mutilation, child trafficking, under education including school dropout and child hawkers and beggars.”

“There is a need for the Oyo State Government to reach out to the United Nations and bilateral donors for support in her efforts to institute social protection mechanism that will serve families and children everywhere and reduce the generational poverty and ignoring that is churning out vulnerable children and families at an alarming rate.”

Penpushing also reports that the Network boss pointed out that Child Protection Network (CPN) Oyo State Chapter is a group of nonprofit organization, public sectors line Ministries and Agencies (state and federal), professionals association (media, legal and medical) who worked together for the best interest of the children of Oyo State.

“Today is epochal as we undertake the double celebration of Universal Children’s day and the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the right of the child, that three years ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the convention on the rights of the child, adding that the convention is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history.”

“Child Protection Network, Oyo State Chapter which is a consortium of NGO’s and Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, that protects the right of the children will continue to partner with the government in the social sector to ensure global best practices in ensuring the protection of children of Oyo State.”

“For instance, the Olore correctional center case which is emblematic of the severe violence and abuse that children and youth are facing in the State is a rude shock to us as a Child Protection Network, as children were among the inmates.”

“Government should take over Olore correctional facility, government should establish standard rehabilitation center, establishment of temporary shelter, strict regulations of all forms of correctional centers, social protection mechanism, among others.”

Penpushing reports that, she however called on parents and guidance to take a good care of their children because of their future, saying that all stakeholders should also contribute their quota in ensuring that right of children and women are protected.


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