
Boy shoots 12-year-old brother to death while testing “bulletproof” charm

A boy has erroneously killed his 12-year old  junior brother in Kaima community of Kwara State, while testing the efficacy  of a locally-prepared charm that could stave off gunshots, having “fortified’’ themselves against bullets.

Penpushing reports that, Kwara State Police Command Public Relations Officer Ajayi Okasanmi, made this known on Monday, adding that upon the duo return home after procuring the charm, the elder took their father’s hunting Dane gun and shot the deceased to test its efficacy.

The police spokesman explained that, the 12-year-old died on the spot from the shot, adding that realizing the damaged caused, the culprit took to his heels and escaped into the bush, stressing that investigation has commenced on the incident.

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“The two of them are sons of one Abubakar Abubakar, a hunter in Dutse Gogo town in Kaiama Local Government Area of Kwara. The culprit escaped into the bushes immediately after the act. Investigation into the matter has started.

Penpushing further reports that, the Command Public Relations Officer, in a statement, however advised parents and guardians on need to monitor activities of their children and avoid doing certain things in their presence to prevent incidents of such nature

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