
Boko Haram beheads seven farmers in Borno state

Terrorists suspected to be members of the Islamist group, Boko Haram, have beheaded seven farmers working on a farm in Molai, a village, approximately 5 kilometres from Maiduguri Borno State Capital

Penpushing reports that a former commissioner for youths and sports, who now supervises the security and protection of local farmers, Sainna Buba, confirmed the killings, which he said occurred on Thursday

The former commissioner disclosed that the farmers were buried on Friday morning after an Islamic funeral service, just as a member of the vigilante group, Civilian-JTF, Abudulmumeen Bulama, said despite being shot at, one farmer managed to escape and raise an alarm.

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“We could only mobilise and reach the scene late on Thursday. Upon arrival, we were met with a horrifying sight: some victims had their throats slit from behind, while others were completely beheaded’,Bulama lamented.

Penpushing further reports that as at the time of filing this report, farmers in the area said the killing has caused renewed concern for their safety, while a record has it that the incident is the latest in a series of violent attacks by the terrorist group in the region.

The Borno State government recently launched a large-scale return-to-farm programme, providing around 300 tractor trucks on Tuesday, to support them, and programme aims to improve food security and reduce dependency on food aid in an area heavily impacted by the ongoing insurgency.

Penpushing also reports that a farmer, Bagoyin Adams, however lamented that despite their efforts to produce food safety in the bush remains a concern, noting that not a day goes by without an attack on either farmers or lumberjacks.

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