
Bill Gates billed for visit to Nigeria for healthcare development

The world’s most prominent private investors in the global healthcare system, Bill Gates, is set to visit Nigeria to discuss issues around health and development in the country and the continent of Africa, and this is coming a few days after President Bola Tinubu announced Salma Anas as his special adviser on health.

Penpushing reports that Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), explained that the visit is part of the foundation commitment to work closely with communities and leaders to support innovation that can help accelerate progress and improve lives across Africa

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The Foundation media team in a statement stated that Gates who is the co-chair of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), will be in Niger and Nigeria next week, noting that the visit is part of the Foundation’s commitment to work closely with communities and leaders to support innovation that can help accelerate progress and improve lives across Africa.”

‘Gates and other foundation leaders are visiting to learn from partners helping to address polio, anaemia, and other health threats; scientists applying research to develop agricultural innovations that will help with food security and climate adaptation; innovators using technology to improve access to financial services; and others working to improve lives in Niger and Nigeria and throughout the continent’.

‘They will also meet with national and regional leaders to encourage them to make investments and advance policies that promote innovation and provide equitable opportunity, despite challenging economic conditions.”

Penpushing further reports that the statement, said Gates is also expected to engage Nigerian students and young leaders in a conversation to gain their insights and share perspectives on how science and innovation can accelerate positive change and contribute to a brighter outlook for Africa.

‘The moderated event, Advancing Africa: Unleashing the Power of Youth in Science and Innovation, will be co-hosted by the Co-Creation Hub Nigeria and Lagos Business School and live-streamed across Africa by media partners and Channels Television. It will take place at 10a.m WAT (Lagos) on 21 June,” the statement added.

Penpushing also reports that the foundation said since its establishment in 2000, it has supported partnerships with various governmental and non-governmental institutions, including local communities, across 49 nations on the continent, while the areas of partnership, the Foundation further noted, include but are not limited to providing funding support and scientific expertise in support of the beneficiaries’ agendas for change.

‘The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation believes that solutions to Africa’s greatest challenges can come from within Africa. This is why the foundation supports African partners whose bold ideas and creative approaches have the potential to save lives, improve health, and help families across the continent’, the foundation said.

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