
Be godly in your conduct, Apostle Achudume tells ogun state speaker

The General Overseer of Victory Life Bible Church (VLBC), Apostle Lawrence Achudume has advised the new Speaker of Ogun State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Oludaisi Elemide to be godly in his activities as he takes over the leadership mantle of the assembly.

Penpushing reports that Achudume gave the advice when he paid a courtesy visit to the first lawmaker in the state, to congratulate him, pointing out that he (Elemide) coming on board at this time was an attestation that God made all things beautiful in His time.

The cleric accompanied by his wife, Folake Achudume described the speaker as a model from the body of Christ, who exemplifies the values, teachings and the principles of Christianity in his actions and lifestyle.

Lush Arena

Penpushing further reports that Achudume told the speaker that he should be cautious of the fact that God through his colleagues put him on the exalted seat, hence, he should not disappoint them as well as God

“The Lord through your colleagues have put you there, don’t disappoint them, nor God or the state. I must say I have watched your journey as a politician and strides in the house, ‘in God’s time He makes all things beautiful’ Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, verse 11’, he said.

“Mr. Hon. Speaker, I came to greet and congratulate you on your election as the Speaker of the state House of assembly. When I read of your election and all that happened, it was impressed on me to see you and let you know, you are not on that chair by accident. You are a man with a mission to join, help the executive arm build the state of our dream and remove poverty from our people”, Achudume said.

‘It takes a truly good leadership of the house to play her function in ensuring the executive does what it should do you and your team are watchmen over the state. God brought you as a model from the body of Christ. You are a bundle of testimony. I want to assure you and your team of our prayers and the Lord will help you”, he emphasised.

Penpushing also reports that the Speaker in his response appreciated the clergyman and his wife for the visit, while thanking God for protecting and using him to prove a point in the political arena, stressing that he was on a rescue mission

‘I am on a rescue mission of which God is abundantly able and faithful to deliver me. My not getting here in time was due to my stance. Pastors can encourage Christians to join politics but don’t leave your God behind. Serve the people but go with your God”, Elemide said.

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