

His words ‘I don’t think at my age I should continue to complain and not find solution. It came in my statement on 3rd January that CNM was made out of reality of situation of Nigeria, and deep thought and reasonable consideration. CNM is to find solution to the situation we find ourselves’

The former President also noted that, if anybody wants this situation to continue, such person needs his head examined, pointing out that such characters should not be seen as friend of the masses and the country at large.

‘If anybody wants this situation to continue, his head must be examined. Those of you who have been victimize with the situation, and want the situation to continue can’t be friend of Nigeria. If there is no effort to turn around the situation, it is obvious what you will get’

Lush Arena

He also disclosed that, at the appropriate time the movement will go into alliance with other movements of like minds, just as he tasked executive of the movement across the country to ensure that youths are given pride of space, with a view that, they(youths) should be given 30% and women 30% in all organs of the movement.

The State Coordinator of the movement, Chief Olayiwola Olakojo in his welcome address noted that Obasanjo is a force to be reckon with in all ramifications, who loves democracy and Nigeria as a nation with his heart.

‘He is indeed our Messiah. Kindly reflect on all his involvements in all governments globally and nationally. He is indeed the father of modern Nigeria. As the foremost statesman, he has always wanted the best for Nigeria. His comments and observations on the past and present administration are just for the progress and development of our country’,Olakojo, a former Secretary to Oyo State Government said

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