
Banditry: Nigerians security agents treated me with dignity, honour, says Gumi

The Kaduna-based cleric, Sheikh Ahmad has disclosed that the Nigerian security agents who invited him over security issues treated him with respect and dignity, adding that the meeting was fruitful.

Penpushing reports that it is recalled that the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, had on Monday disclosed to journalists at the State House, Abuja, that Gumi had been invited by the security agencies.

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The Islamic cleric however, on his facebook page after honouring the invitation on Monday in a statement said he was not above the law, but emphasized that only the innocent are above the law, stressing that there was no cause for alarm

“Last night I got many frantic calls from well-wishers and journalists about a news item that I was interviewed by security. There is no cause for alarm. Yes, we had a productive interaction on how to curb banditry as we are all trying -each in his sphere – to tackle the monster bedevilling the nation. There was no animosity but courtesy and full of respect’, he added.

‘We all need as a nation to unite and work in synergy to achieve an everlasting peace. Thank you for your concern. May Allah continue to protect us all from all evil. Amin,” Gumi  who has been critical of the security agencies’ handling of banditry activities in the North-West said

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