
Avian Influenza Control Project officials allegedly arrest rams being sold at unapproved sales points

The officials of Avian Influenza Control Project have been alleged of arresting rams indiscriminately in some parts of Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital accusing the sellers of operating illegal selling points in the town.

Penpushing reports that the officials sighted in Idi-Aba area and some other parts of the town allegedly swooped on the ram sellers and took away some of the rams, with declaration that fine of N25,000 should be paid for the release of the seized rams.

The officials in company of some police officials carried out the operations, emphasisng that the sales of the ram in an open place was illegal, which is unapproved designations to do so, hence, they would be compel to pay fines

Lush Arena

Penpushing further reports that a plea by one of the traders was ignored by the officials, who eventually took one of the rams away, with a condition to pay fine of N25,000 before the ram could be release to him.

The ram seller as at the time of filing this report was said to be making frantic efforts to raise the money, but was advised by some customers and passerby that he should insist in collecting receipt from the officials if he was able to pay the fine.

‘The officials of Avian Influenza Control Project were raiding rams selling spots across Abeokuta. I accompanied my friend to buy ram at a place in Idi-Aba and these officials swooped on the ram seller and took away one of the rams’, an eyewitness said.

‘They told the seller that he should not be selling rams in an open unapproved place hence he would have to pay a fine of 25k. The guy was begging them that he would stop selling the rams at the place. But they were not ready to listen to him asking him to pay the 25k or else one of the ransom would be taken away as a ransom’, he added.

‘Eventually, the guy could not pay the 25k and one of his ram was taken away. I later told the ram seller to look for the 25k but ensure that he collects official receipt for the fine. I now followed him to another spot where the officials were busy raiding another ram seller. He gave the officials the 25k without official payment receipt which shows that they were busy collecting bribes from those selling rams by the road side’, the witness added.

Penpushing further reports that efforts to speak with the officials proved abortive, as they declared that they are not mandated to speak with journalists, however, it could not be ascertained as at the time of filing this report if the fine was paid, nor receipt was issued for the payment

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