
Asiwaju Dapo Wahab Foundation visits Penpushing Media Corporate Headquarters, seeks partnership

The Asiwaju Dapo Wahab Foundation on Wednesday visited the corporate headquarters of Penpushing Media located at Leme axis of Moshood Abiola Way, Abeokuta, and declared interest to partner with the renowned media outlet.

Penpushing reports that the foundation led by the President Asiwaju Dapo Abiodun arrived the establishment office alongside some members of the team at about 12.00pm, where they were conducted round.

The founder of the foundation while speaking explained that the visit was to rejoice with the regular feat being recorded by Penpushing Media within the short period of its emergence into the media industry, stressing that no doubt, the organization is worth being associated with.

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‘Asiwaju Dapo Wahab Foundation is proud of you and proud to be associated with you. It is in line with this the management deem it fit to pay you a visit, and honestly what we met on ground confirmed that Penpushing Media is authentic. Let me use this opportunity to inform your management that we are interested in partnership with Penpushing Media’, he said

Penpushing further reports that Asiwaju who explained the focus of the foundation, which is aimed to wage war against drugs abuse in the society, noted that drugs have been part of our culture since the middle of the last century.

The Foundation boss pointed out that this was popularized in the 1960s by music and mass media, and subsequently invaded all aspects of society, adding that an estimated 208 million people internationally consume illegal drugs

‘You probably know someone who has been affected by drugs, directly or indirectly. Young people today are exposed earlier than ever to drugs. Studies have shown that 50% of teenagers use drugs before they graduate school’, he stated

Penpushing also reports that the foundation as part of its corporate social responsibilities took it upon itself in fighting the menace, explaining that as part of the move it has collaborated with agencies which include National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), National Orientation Agency(NOA) and Public Complaints Commission(PCC) among others

The President emphasized that in addition to this and considering the relevance of Penpushing Media, which is also known to be involved in social corporate responsibility, disclosed that the foundation resolved to partner with the organization.

‘We have religiously monitored your activities and performances with the short period of your organization existence, and we can boldly say that you are a pride of journalism. Your competence and diligence coupled with professionalism is encouraging’, Wahab said

Penpushing reports that the founder of the media outlet, Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji said one of the objectives of Penpushing Media is to transform journalism practice for better, stressing that the team will not desist in fighting fake news

The founder explained that Penpushing Media has been robustly nurtured on the journalistic ideology of adding value to journalism worldwide, by ensuring credible sources of news around the world, recalling that the journey started on July 19, 2016 on a social media platform with 256 members at inception across the globe.

Penpushing further reports that he explained that as it progresses, a lecture, which has become a regular project aimed at adding value to the noble profession of journalism, was introduced, stressing that the organization which has become a famous global news dissemination platform, got its certificate of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on June 1, 2017, with the headquarters in Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital

‘Penpushing is indeed set to correct and tackle the menace of fake news which is almost becoming daily occurrence in the world with its greater negative impact in our clime, particularly owing to myriad of online communication channels’, Kayode-Adedeji said.

‘Similarly, it aims to revive the dwindling fortune of journalism practice and be a credible platform for genuine news to its readers across the globe. In line with our mission, we shall consciously want to err on the side of caution to authenticate news for dissemination on Penpushing platform’, he added.

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