
Alake of Egbaland is a selfless monarch, says apostle achudume

The General Overseer of Victory Life Bible Church (VLBC), Apostle Lawrence Achudume has submitted that the Alake and Paramount Ruler of Egbaland, Oba Aremu Gbadebo is full of wisdom which can be tapped to raise better Nigeria.

Penpushing reports that Achudume made the submission during his courtesy call to the monarch at Ake Palace in Abeokuta, explaining that he was convinced with this position, having closely monitored number of his administrative competence in handling affairs.

The cleric accompanied by his wife, Folake explained that he visited the royal father because of his exemplary selfless and sacrificial leadership, as well as his commitment to the prosperity, unity and peace not only within his domain or state but the nation.

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Penpushing further reports Achudume pointed out that Gbadebo is a first-class leader, a true royal father who understands leadership and surrounded himself with some of the best brains, men of great strength and wisdom, as well as travelled and exuding intelligentsia

The clergyman affirming wisdom quality of Gbadebo recalled how the monarch successfully handled an impending religious war within Egba muslim community which he quickly waded into and restored peace

‘Not long ago, there was a brewing crisis within the Egba moslem community, our royal father knowing what the effect could be, quickly stepped – in and put off the evil wind and peace was restored’, Achudume recalled.

‘’Also, recently a paramount ruler who was seen to have acted in an unacceptable manner as befitting his royal office within his (Alake) domain was given lecture on royal ethics and suspended from office.  Suspended? Yes’, the cleric stated.

‘The Alake, his Palace and men demonstrate culture, leadership and governance. The Alake , a man of great honour and discipline, a man of peace and who pursues peace and the unity of his people, state and nation’.

‘A king not after personal gain or acquisition of personal wealth but seeking the peace and prosperity of his people. A sacrificial king who sees no price too high to pay for peace and unity of the state and nation. Was it because he was once a senior military officer and probably had some of the best training in leadership? No’, Achudume stated.

‘There are people who have had very good training both civilians and military but given the opportunity or privilege of leadership or to serve their people become colossal failures and disappointment as self-interest over rule their love for people, if you look left or right, you will see two you will know’.

‘Good leaders like the Alake may not be born a leader but probably learnt leadership through his love and passion for humanity, men showing genuine concern for people. True leaders are product of self-discipline love for the good of his people more than love for self, men who are not greedy or self centred, men of unbiased culture to anyone’s ethnic, tribal or religious association, men who value the life of others. Men who do not use their privileged office for self but for the people they were born to serve’, he added.

Penpushing also reports Achudume while wishing to have the likes of the traditional ruler as President, expressed optimism that the wisdom in ruling his domain, would have been extended to governance for good Nigeria

‘Ooh, I wish he was a president, we would have been saved from the shame and embarrassment of ministers who ‘mistakenly’ transfer billions of our common wealth into their private accounts until an investigator discovered it’.

‘Ministers who brag about how many dollars from our common wealth they have made as profit  in less than 4 months as federal minister for coming to serve us while we are hungry, ministers who talk and do nothing, they would have all lost their jobs and sent back to their communities to be taught a lesson on how to behave given a privileged office’.

‘We need leaders of character and of service to the citizens. Leaders who surround themselves with other great men who will help them to serve well, who put self-last and the people first.’, Achudume emphasised

Penpushing reports that the monarch in response appreciated the visit recalling his first visit to Victory Life Bible Church(VLBC), and was overwhelmed with well organized service, as well as the organization structure, and also promised to be part of guests to attend the upcoming 60th birthday of the General Overseer of the church

Meanwhile, a notable Egba High Chief, Alani Bankole while buttressing the submission of the cleric, went memory lane to talk about the passion of Alake for good leadership, tracing his military training and attending some of the best schools and being a trainer while in the military.

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