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Academy sensitises Oyo State residents on fire safety, protection

Segun Showunmi in Ibadan

The stakeholders in fire safety have enjoined Nigerians to embrace measures aimed at curtailing incessant loss of lives and property to fire incidences.

Penpushing reports that the Public Relations Officer, Federal Fire Service, Oyo State Command, Afeez Akinsanya made the call during a sensitisation programme organised by Fire Academy of Nigeria (FAN)  in Ibadan.

Lush Arena

The command spokesman in his lecture, urged Nigerians to always put in place measures aimed at ensuring fire safety and protection explaining that it was important for all to equip themselves with the basic knowledge of how to ensure fire safety and protection.

Penpushing further reports that, he listed some of the measures to put in place apart from the necessary safety training as fire extinguisher and smoke alarm, stressing, “if you have these measures in place, for instance fire extinguisher, the smoke alarm, the fire safety training, then you are putting yourself in danger,” .

The Command Public Relations Officer said that any individual caught up in a fire incident must raise alarm to alert others after which he or she call the federal or state fire service closer to them.

Penpushing also reports that, Akinsanya said that such individual with training should engage the fire and if without the training, must vacate the building, adding,”proceed gently to the fire assembly point where headcount would be taken and then the fire service will acknowledge your return into the building as soon as you are safe. Let’s have all these measures in place and let’s have the training. So, should there be a fire emergency, we will be able to respond effectively and appropriately.”

Penpushing reports that Dr. Charles Afolabi, the Fire Academy of Nigeria (FAN) Director-General, said that the programme was very important to reduce the rate of fire incidences in the country.

“I am highly motivated to do this kind of programme because of the rate of fire incidences in Nigeria, i have made a 12-month research about fire incidences in Nigeria and the rate at which fire is ravaging Nigeria is alarming.”

“So, what we need is sensitisation and I felt the government cannot do it alone, that is why we have just come to do this kind of sensitisation to create awareness for the public about fire safety and protection,” he said.”

Penpushing further reports that one of the participants at the event,  Pastor Babatunde Kayode, thanked the organisers, saying he had gained a lot from the sensitisation programme, noting that the programme had enlightened him on the measures to embrace and protocols to observe during fire incidences.

“Part of the things that I have been able to gain is that one; personally I am able to know the safety measures when there is a fire outbreak.There are some dangers which personally I do not know before that has to do with issues of cylinder and other things that can even cause fire outbreaks in my surrounding, and at the same time, we are made to understand that there are some things that can easily cause fire and easily help fire to escalate. For example, oxygen,” he said.

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