The Governor alleged that the brothels and joints had been turned into a hideout for hoodlums from where they rob and molest innocent citizens, especially in the night, with some of them located on Orlu, Kaduna, and Arochukwu streets, among others, in the capital city.
Penpushing further reports that, during check on some of the major brothels that used to be a beehive of activities they were under lock and key and already turned to ghost town, and some of them include; Classy Guest House, National Hotel, Daba-in, and Freedom Hotel, all located on Orlu Street.
Similarly, other brothels already vacated by the call girls are Amala Guest House, situated on Lagos Street and Universal Social Centre, on Cameroun Street, while at Connection Bar, located on Imo Lane, a number of the sex workers were seen attending to their male clients.
Penpushing also reports that, there was a mild drama on Wednesday, when the commercial sex workers fled in different direction when they heard the sound of a siren of a bank bullion van and thought it was the police coming to effect their arrest.
A commercial sex worker who later realized it was a siren from the bullion van said, “Hey, na bank people o. I see those police, I think say they don come again to arrest us’, describing the experience as heart breaking, stating that security operatives had been ‘preying’ on them since the order was issued by the State Government.