
Solomon Olamilekan Adeola (Yayi) Senatorship for Ogun West

By Chief Samson Oderinde

The National Assembly is the corner stone, fountain, harbinger and propitiator of every country’s democracy and the socio-political and economic wellbeing of the people in all segments and sectors of the society. In Nigeria, the National Assembly is bicameral in nature and operations; made up of the Senate (the Upper House) and House of Representative (the Lower House). The two houses make laws concurrently for good governance, peace, stability, growth and development of the country. It is one of the three strategic institutions of government: Executive, Judiciary and Legislature, which collaborate to earn and maintain the democracy and wellbeing of every country.


Being a foremost institution in a democracy and since democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people, the legislative houses are peopled by people’s representatives; the senators and members of the House of Representatives at the federal level and members of the House of Assembly at the state. They are elected by their people in the various constituencies and senatorial districts across Nigeria to serve their interests and bring fortune to them as much as possible. The ability of the people of various areas to reap bountiful fruits through their representatives at the legislative houses depends on their choice of able and capable hands at various levels. If the people elect brilliant, resilient, productive and result-oriented representatives, the tendency is that they will gain bountiful harvest in infrastructure and other articles of socio-economic and political development, all culminating in an overall human and physical development. If they do otherwise, the result will be counterproductive.

Today, the traditional rulers, leaders and elders of West Senatorial district in Ogun State have retrospected, to consider the socio-economic and political situation of their area, especially their not too cheerful level of development to-date. They have resolved to do things differently this time around, to get themselves out of the woods; by getting a person with unique and peculiar characteristics to represent them at the senate and lead them to fruitility. Fortune has smiled on the people as they were able to get an indigene of Yewaland in person of Senator Solomon Adeola (Yayi) currently doing great exploits in Lagos State and Nigeria, to come back home to serve them accordingly.

Senator Adeola (YAYI) has been a household name in the Legislature of Nigeria in the last two decades, beginning from the Lagos State House of Assembly, where he was elected to serve in 2003 and he served for two terms of eight years, he was thereafter elected to the House of Representatives in Abuja where he served for another eight consecutive years, with great dividends of democracy to the people which he represented, his scintillating performances prompted the people of Lagos West Senatorial district to request that he represent them at the Senate about eight years ago – he is still serving the people of Lagos West district meritorious till today. This great legislator has improved the socio-economic status of Lagos West in diverse areas:

He has caused about twenty different roads to be constructed in various locations of Lagos West. Empowered several tens of thousands of his constituents, Equipped several General Hospitals with about a dozen Ambulances and several medical equipments, Renovated over twenty Health Centres, and provided the needed medical equipments, Empowered about fifty thousand people to commence various trades and businesses, Granted scholarship to thousands of students, Built several classroom blocks and renovated several others, Supplied about thirty-six thousands of various textbooks to schools, Provided various traditional and social groups with buses and other means of transportation. Provided several communities with electric transformers, to mention a few.

Concerning his primary assignment as a legislator, he is one of the most active sponsors of Bills which are critical to the good governance and development of Nigeria on the floor of the red chamber and had profusely kicked against Bills and resolutions which are inimical to good governance of Nigeria and wellbeing of Nigerians. He is the longest serving legislator in South West of Nigeria, having served at various levels of the legislature in the past twenty four years or thereabout, hence the people of Lagos West district would not want to release their best and “people’s leader”, while the people of Ogun West continued to mount pressure on him (their son) to come back home to replicate his magic wand and world class legislative prowess.

Luckily Ogun West has been able to win Senator Adeola over back home, after over ten years of intense struggle for the purpose. However, his home coming was met with stiff resistance by a few people who obviously couldn’t appreciate the positive contributions and value addition which the move could bring to Ogun West. As fecivorous as the resistance was, including numerous court cases, his opponents couldn’t prevail because the Almighty God was involved ab-initio.

The critical question at the moment is that out of the senatorial candidates being fielded by the various political parties, who has the capacity to serve the overall interest and desires of Ogun West districts as Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola did and still doing in Lagos West (which is almost ten times as large and populous as Ogun West); a major yardstick to measure other senatorial districts in Nigeria.

The answer to this question is not far-fetched; there is no one with the pedigree, cognate experience and outstanding records on-the-job similar to Senator Adeola. Clearly, the best senatorial candidate on the ballot paper for 2023 is Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola, who is currently representing Lagos senatorial district, which comprises ten (10) very big local government areas and bigger in size than several states in Nigeria, yet he served and still serving the district excellently well, with a wide range of dividends of democracy, incompatible with other districts nationally.

In a nutshell, Senator Olamilekan Adeola (YAYI) stands out as the best senatorial candidates for Ogun West in the next dispensation, based on the following criteria: He is well endowed with legislative principles and practices. All the critical groups and strata of Ogun West district consider him favourably and have endorsed him. He is already a ranking senator of the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He is popular and respected amongst fellow senators and legislators at the National Assembly and other levels of legislaure nationally

He would readily enjoy the understanding, support and concurrence of his colleagues to endorse his Bills, Motions and other legislative moves swiftly from the level of introduction, to passage, assent and implementation, which would result in a surge in the socio-economic and political growth and development of the district.

He has demonstrated an immense determination to bring solid development to Ogun West, with various socio-economic skill acquisition programmes and empowerment schemes which he has initiaed so far. Without mixing words, Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola will add tangible values to West Senatorial district and Ogun State generally, like never before.

Based on the foregoing, the people of Ogun West Senatorial district are expected to embrace Senator Adeola comprehensively by as much as eighty percent (80%), considering what he did for Lagos West, his qualities and class in Nigeria, including his unequal legislative prowess in the South West of Nigeria, among others.

The people should put a total stop to politics which is influenced by emotion and premodal sentiments which does not take a people to the desired heights. They must pull their resources and energies together without much prompting to ensure that Senator Adeola clinches the West Senatorial mandate for 2023. Everyone from Iwoye Ketu to Tongeji Island, from Ijoko to Ejila Awori must stand up to be counted in this great task of electing Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola (YAYI), doing otherwise would be inimical to their future.

Chief Samson Olu. Oderinde, JP is an author, essayist and analyst, former member, Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Governing Council, Ex-S.S.A (Political) to former Deputy Governor of Ogun State and former Executive Chairman, Yewa North Local Government

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