

“The country’s potentials are enormous for achieving great economic turn-around despite the fuel scarcity period we are presently going through and this could be a blessing in disguise and an opportunity for Nigerians to look inwards by developing our local contents and effecting outright adjustment in our ways of life”, he stated

Paseda also renewed his call for true Federalism as the best attempt at achieving equity, economic growth, justice and peace in all the geo-political zones of the country and fulfilling the dreams of the nation’s founding fathers.

He, therefore, advised the electorate to be cautious in their choice of representatives at different levels of governance as we go into the New Year that will be full of electoral activities and electioneering campaigns.


The 2015 Governorship Candidate while wishing the people of Ogun State all the good things in the New Year, said it is the followers that determine who lead them through the ballot and it is only advisable people think twice before making their respective choices in order not to elect ill-prepared candidates with no clear-cut programmes of action.

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