
Nigerian broadcasters sack board of trustees

The congress of the Freelance and Independent Broadcasters Association of Nigeria (FIBAN) has dissolved its Board of Trustees (BOT), declaring that the planned national elections will hold contrary to threat of boycott by some chapters of the association.

Penpushing reports that National President of the association, Desmond Nwachukwu made this known in a statement, adding that the meeting held on Thursday at Ado-Ekiti,  Ekiti made the pronouncement of the sack of the board.

The statement explained that the approval of the dissolution of the board was in line with Articles 12 (v) and 15 (ii) of the association constitution, emphasizing that it was time for the board members to take a rest


‘So, relying on Articles 12 (v) and 15 (ii) of our constitution and the approval of Congress which held today January 12, 2023, the Board Trustees of FIBAN is hereby DISSOLVED. it is time for you and indeed your members to take a rest’, Nwachukwu said.

Penpushing further reports that Nwachukwu while reacting to earlier communique issued by the aggrieved chapters which include: Kwara,Oyo,Ogun,Osun and Kogi states calling for cancellation of the proposed national congress scheduled between 12 and 13 January,2023 said the threat  was uncalled for

The chapters in a protest letter addressed to Chairman Board of Trustees (BOT) of the association declared that the election should be put on hold until some salient issues surrounding the poll are addressed in the interest of the generality of the body.

‘I received, on Wednesday 11th January 2023, your letter on the above subject matter wherein you conveyed the resolutions of the Board of Trustees with regards to the communique issued and addressed to you by some aggrieved chairmen in our association. After digesting the contents, time and space will only permit me to respond to a few of the issues’,Nwachukwu wrote.

‘Sir, I was particularly surprised as well as shocked to observe that on receiving the communique, the BOT did not see the need to speak to me as the incumbent President when elementary understanding of Nigerian law provides for fair hearing especially in this case that relates to your appointor. Sir, from the beginning, the picture I am seeing is that of a compromised and biased BOT whose acclaimed consultations were mere formalities’, he added.

‘Mr Chairman, my inability to complete the FIBAN House in Ibadan will remain my greatest regret as the President of FIBAN. It is important to state for the often time that it was circumstantial and not deliberate. On the alleged revocation,  the information at my disposal is that the revocation actually affected all the lands in that vicinity so while Land Use Act invested ownership of lands in the Governor, concerns and agitations should be directed to the agent from whom the property was acquired and not me’.

‘Sir, if the BOT, under your leadership was as active as expected, issues about the new chapters which we laboured to establish and the College of Broadcasting will not be strange. The lingering Lagos crisis is equally another testament of the capability of the BOT. Again, if Kwara, chapter of the sitting C.BOT who is expected to among other things, ensure the entrenchment of peace in the association, was listed among the chapters where there are crisis, need I say anything more? However, in or out of office, please note that I will always be available to answer questions pertaining to my six-year tenure’, Nwachukwu emphasised.

‘Sir, your advice to put the elections on hold was duly noted but unfortunately, this time, I don’t find your advice acceptable. May I remind you that scheduling congress is entirely my prerogative as my decision to consult you were merely out of respect. So, the congress held as scheduled today 12th of January, 2023’.

‘While l acknowledge the fact that it is within the constitutional rights of any individual or group to participate or boycott any election,   it must not be at the detriment of others. Therefore, the elections will hold, unfailingly, tomorrow 13th January, 2023’, he declared.

‘Meanwhile, it will interest you to know that the members of Kogi and Abuja Chapters who participated actively in the congress of today have disassociated themselves from the propaganda making the rounds’.

‘Mr Chairman, I equally found appalling the advice of BOT that on the expiration of my tenure, I should hand over to you. May remind you Sir and indeed members of your Board that the association has evolved beyond the pre- Dr Ambrose Olutayo Somide administration when people are hand-picked for positions and they remain their almost perpetually’, he stated.

‘In today’s FIBAN, responsibilities of the various organs have been spelt out in our constitution. Therefore, the attempt by the BOT to take over power through such draconian manner is tantamount to mutiny which must not be encouraged’.

‘Sir, you have been of immense service to our association and we will always remain indebted to you. I am of a strong belief that it is time for you and indeed your members to take a rest. So, relying on Articles 12 (v) and 15 (ii) of our constitution and the approval of Congress which held today January 12, 2023, the Board Trustees of FIBAN is hereby DISSOLVED. Once again, I thank you for your services to our association’, Nwachukwu wrote

Penpushing also reports that in his own contributions to the development, the Chairman of the Abuja Chapter of the Freelance and Independent Broadcasters Association of Nigeria (FIBAN), Comrade Kayode Adetunji and his members kicked against the purported protest

The Chairman in a terse statement declared that the purported boycott of election was fake new being spread around, emphasizing that there was no crisis within the association as being made to believe in some quarters, adding that the election will take place.

‘In response to the fake news going round, which stipulated that some FIBAN chapters, including FIBAN, Abuja, FCT are in crisis. I wish to state categorically that there is no crisis in FIBAN, FCT Chapter, hence,we are fully on ground in Ado-Ekiti for the congress and the election’, Adetunji wrote

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