PATRIOT AYO FATUBARIN – A BRIEF: Patriot Ayo Fatubarin, is an Ijesaman, born by parents who are both of Ijesa parentage. Though he did not spend any part of his early life in any part of Ijesaland, he spent the bulk of his working career which is well over 35 years in Ijesaland. During this period, he was actively involved in Ijesaland affairs. He was the President of Ijesa Patriotic Klub (IPK), between March, 2003 and March, 2008. He represented IPK in the Council of Ijesa Societies in Ilesa, under the leadership of Late Pa Chief Abiodun Lamikanra and Late Pa Bolabo Ilesanmi. He was a member of Ijesa Solidarity Group (I.S.G), under the leadership of Late Pa (Dr.) E.A. Ifaturoti and Late Retired Justice T.A. Ibidapo Obe. He was the Provost of Osun State College of Education, Ilesa, between 1997 and 2001. He is presently with Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji Arakeji Osun State of Nigeria.
He is currently the Secretary of Ijesa Forum and a member of the Committee that re-branded Iwude Festival. He has since its re-branding, served as the Chairman of Event and Venue Sub Committee of the Iwude Committee.
Patriot Ayo Fatubarin is the Author of the Series of 8 Titles written on Ijesa People and Ijesaland. These titles comprising of four in English Language, 2 in Yoruba language and 2 in Ijesa Dialect, were presented to the public at a forum that had Late Justice Kayode Eso as its Chairman in 2008 and Honorable Gbenga Onigbogi, as the Chief Presenter of the titles. On Saturday, 20th September, 2014, He served as the Keynote Address Presenter at the Pre-Conference Forum in Ilesa, to mark the 2nd Ijesa People’s World Conference (2014 Atlanta). There he spoke on the title “Perspectives and Reflections on Ijesa Nation State.”
Wherever people come together to discuss about development in their respective communities, the homeland of their respective communities, two words always feature regularly as part of the active vocabularies in such discussions. These words are urbanization and industrialization. Both words share a common attribute of helping to bring about a major transformation in the communities they impact. Fatubarin (2003), had this to say about the duo of urbanization and industrialization.
Urbanization is the transformation of a place into an urban community, such as a town or a city. In recent times, we are also hearing of a megacity, as in the case of Lagos. The place so transformed may be a virgin land, which hitherto was not occupied for any particular purpose. This is the case with most part of Abuja city–the capital city of Nigeria. The place may also be a rural community or a village, before it becomes transformed into a major town or city. This is the case with most of the present day towns and cities of Nigeria.
Industrialization on the other hand, according to Fatubarin (2003), is the transformation of a place into an industrialized community, a place with industries. The place so transformed, may also like in the case of urbanization, be previously unoccupied by man for any meaningful purpose. It may also be a rural community such as a village. It may be an agricultural community or a commercial centre. It may also be an urban community like Ibadan and Lagos, before industries are established there. In such a case, the affected community is not only an urbanized community, but also an industrialized one. This is the case with Ibadan and Lagos.
It should not be surprising that people, particularly the enlightened ones, want their communities to become urbanized and industrialized. This is so because both urbanization and industrialization, bring about a number of developmental features in the affected communities. These are features that bring about massive transformation in communities. Fatubarin (2003), listed the developmental features of urbanized and industrialized communities to include the following, among so many others:
1.Presence of modern social amenities, such as electricity, pipe borne water and modern houses, with modern amenities;
- Presence of commercial centres, such as modern markets, shopping centres and eateries;
iii. Presence of sporting and recreational facilities, such as stadia, parks and club houses. Others include polo grounds, race courses and the like;
- Presence of relaxation centres, such as cinema houses, club houses, night clubs, museum, galleries;
- Presence of tourism facilities, such as hotels, motels, guest houses, car hire services and tourist guides;
- Presence of adequate mean of transportation, such as roads, air ways, water ways, railways and so on;
vii. Presence of modern means of communication, such as telephone services, postal services, courier services and the like;
viii. Presence of large human populations, with a high percentage of literates and highly sophisticated populace;
- Presence of health care delivery services, such as hospitals, dispensaries and pharmacy shops;
- Presence of educational services, such as Schools, Day care centres, Colleges and tertiary institutions and facilities for meetings and conferences;
- Unlimited access to information, in the form of services such as the Daily papers, the weekly publications, magazines and other periodicals and facilities such as e-mail services, internet services and library facilities.
Industrialization though similar to urbanization in bringing about transformation of communities, is unique in a number of ways. Prominent among these are the following:
1.Industrialization brings about production in a community. This production is similar to the production in natural ecosystems, which is the basis of development in such natural ecosystems and for which such natural ecosystems need solar energy, to bring about primary production. Our communities in the planet earth, are human-made ecosystems. It is the production in these ecosystems that bring about the much-needed development in our communities. It is for such production, that our communities need power from electricity, to bring about such production. This is also what underscores the importance placed on electricity generation, to power our industries.
- Industrialization brings about the production of materials which are needed by the community for rendering certain services and for development of the community.
iii. Industrialization brings about production of materials, which constitute trading items for the people of a community and through which their means of livelihood, are provided.
- Industrialization provides employment for the people of a community. It is for such employment in diverse types, both for skilled and unskilled workers, that make people migrate to industrialized communities in large numbers.
- Industrialization brings together a crop of diverse professionals in a community .Through this, it provides such a community the benefit from the expertise, wealth of knowledge and ideas of such technocrats.
All these are besides the other benefits of development, that both industrialization and urbanization bring about in communities.
While both urbanization and industrialization are desirable for our communities, only the elites place a greater premium on industrialization as an area in which they will want to intervene. This is because in all parts of the developed world, urbanization is a major service the governments render in these advanced communities, with the citizens only complementing their effort in this important aspect of development. For instance, it is the duty of the governments to provide municipal services, such as electricity, pipe-borne water, means of communication, means of transportation, health care and even educational services, to some extent among others. Once these are in place, investors are usually attracted to such places and they waste no time in investing in commercial centres, recreational facilities, relaxation facilities and information services, among others. In such so-called advanced communities, once the governments provide the enabling environment, they leave it to investors to take advantage of such an enabling environment, to invest in industries that will provide the bulk of the needs of the urbanized communities. What constitutes this enabling environment include easy access to company registration, easy access to lands and easy access to loan facilities from banks. Others include tax relief, adequate security for the investments, among others.
And so when a group such as that of Ijesaland Development Foundation, is desirous of opening up Ijesaland for industrialization, on a scale hitherto never witnessed before, the following could be said of such a group:
1.The group is subscribing to the idea of Pius Okigbo, who was cited by Adelegan (2009), as having deposed that any nation that wants to be on the right path to sustainable development in the 21st century, must look inwards and explore the natural resources of its natural environment;
- That the group is interested in fast-tracking sustainable development in Ijesaland;
iii. That the group wants to carve a unique niche for itself, by treading the path, which only the bold, the bright, the brilliant and the determined can venture into;
- That the group wants to complement the efforts of our pioneer industrialists, in the likes of Late Dr. Lawrence Omole and his group, that founded International Breweries Ltd in Ilesa and Pricnce Adewale Adediran, who founded the Adediran Steel and Wire Industries Ltd (ASWIL) in Ilesa. Others include Dame (Dr.) Yinka Obaleye, who founded Yinka Oba Foam Industries in Ilesa and Late Engineer S.O. Fadahunsi and his group, who founded Rainbow Paints and Allied Industries Ltd Ilesa, among others;
- That the group is desirous of taking development to a greater height in Ijesaland, by adding industrialization on a greater scale, to the developmental efforts being made currently in urbanizing our major communities in Ijesaland;
- That the group is (probably unknown to her), helping to lend a helping hand in an important area of our land, where “the shoe is pinching,” as in other communities in Nigeria. This is in the area of providing a means of livelihood, for the teeming populations of unemployed school leavers and graduates, that abound in the diverse communities.
vii. That the group is again, (probably unknown to them), helping to set a bench mark in this “neglected area” of industrialization, which many communities have never ventured into. This is most probably because such communities concern themselves more with the challenges, rather the solutions to the challenges!
viii. The group is giving into the 21st century, what the century demands from people intending to make an outstanding success in any venture. The 21st century has been dubbed by people as “the knowledge century.” It is a century that expects of people, the deployment of an in-depth knowledge into any venture within the century, to make a success of the venture. It is a century that is endowed with information and communication technology (ICT), that can be appropriately deployed in the search for knowledge on all issues within the century.
Ijesaland–the homeland of Ijesa People, comprises of several Ijesa communities, spread administratively over 6 local government areas. These Local Government Areas are:
1.Ilesa West, with its headquarters (formerly at Ereja in Ilesa), but now at a location along Ilesa-Osogbo Road, close to Ilesa “Testing Ground.”
- Ilesa East, with its headquarters at Iyemogun, Ilesa.
iii. Atakunmosa West, with its headquarters at Osu.
- Atakunmosa East, with its headquarters at Iperindo.
- Oriade, with its headquarters at Ijebu-Jesa
- Obokun, with its headquarters at Obokun.
Ijesaland is known by a number of appellations, which cannot but excite Ijesa People, wherever such people are based. This is because they tell the whole world about the nature of Ijesa People, as well as the nature of their homeland. Such appellations include the following:
i.“Ile Ijesa, Ile ke e gbo ajeji” – meaning “Ijesaland, where even the non-indigenes prosper;”
ii.“Ile Ijesa, ibi Olorun wa” – meaning “Ijesaland – the place where God lives;”
iii.“Ile Ijesa, Ile Olobi,” – meaning “Ijesaland, where cola nuts abound;”
iv.“Ile Ijesa, Ile Goolu” – meaning “Ijesaland, where gold abounds.”
To Ijesa People, these appellations are too well known, even among those who have lived for most of their life, outside their homeland. To Non-Ijesa People, who will be hearing of these appellations, possibly for the very first time, it must be stated that these appellations are not coined out of thin air. They are appellations that tell people about the nature of Ijesa people, the Ijesa people’s belief about the relationship of God with their homeland and the abundant wealth of Ijesaland in both agricultural resources and solid mineral resources.
The appellation of “Ile Ijesa, Ile ke e gbo ajeji” which means “Ijesaland, where even the non-indigenes prosper,” tells people how accommodating the Ijesa people are of non-indigenes. It also explains why virtually all ethnic groups, tribes and tongues, are in large numbers in all communities that make up Ijesa homeland. They are all there doing their businesses in all these communities and prospering where they live.
The appellation of “Ile-Ijesa, Ibi Olorun wa,” which means “Ijesaland – the place where God lives,” is an age-long appellation, which came into being during the Ayo Babalola days, when his evangelism, drew crowd to various parts of Ijesaland in large numbers. This is particularly so with Ilesa township, where many of the different parts of the town, have their names coined from the Pentecostal experience of the 1930s. Examples of such streets are Oke Iyin and Oke Ese. Oke Iyin was coined from the Praise worship in that part of the town, while Oke Ese was meant to express the massive movement of crowds who gathered at the Ayo Babalola crusades. During these crusades, people trooping in from different places, particularly from diverse communities in Ijesaland, would express their joy at going down to Ilesa, where the crusades were going on. This they would say in the Ijesa dialect in this way:
“Mo mi relesa, ibi Olorun wa” Meaning, “I am going to Ilesa, were God lives.” This was how the appellation “Ile Ijesa, Ibi Olorun wa,” was arrived at.
The appellation of “Ile Ijesa, Ile Olobi” which means “Ijesaland, where cola nuts abounds,” was arrived at ages ago. This was because at that time, cola nut trees abound in large numbers in Ijesaland, among the natural vegetation. Besides, the Ijesa people perfected the art of preserving cola nuts, using special leaves got from a particular species of plants. The preserved cola nuts not only last long without experiencing attack by diverse insect species, they also taste better. The presence of these cola nut species among the natural vegetation within Ijesaland, is indicative of not only the presence of other valuable species of semi-deciduous forest vegetation. Examples of these species are Triplochiton Scleroxylon, the Benin Obeche tree, which is known as Arere by Yoruba people. Other species include Chlorophora excelsa (now known as Melicia excelsa) – the Iroko tree.
The appellation “Ile Ijesa, Ile Goolu,” meaning “Ijesaland, the land of Gold,” was derived from the solid minerals that abound in different parts of Ijesaland, among which gold – a valuable solid mineral, was in much abundance.
Ijesaland besides these appellations, is also characterized by peculiar landmarks, which are also of special significance. One such landmark is “Ikeji Arakeji Miracle camp.” This is a camp developed by Christ Apostolic Church mission at the very site, where Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola received the call from the Almighty God, to leave his job as a driver of road construction vehicles, to be a “Fisher of Men,” for Him. There is also the Olumirin Water Fall, which at a time, was used in Osun State as a symbol of the State, as a “State of the Living Spring.” Other equally important landmarks in Osun State are the point in Imesi Ile, where the pact to end the Kiriji war, was signed, and Seriki Ogedengbe Cenotaph in Ilesa. All these are besides the Palaces of the Obas and Chiefs in Ijesaland, where valuable traditional and cultural items, such as the beaded crowns, beaded horse tails and beaded walking sticks and ancient drums, are kept in the different communities of Ijesaland.
Ijesaland Development Foundation (IDF), must have been motivated and spurred into action on the issue of industrialization of Ijesaland because of the prospects that Ijesaland has in industrialization. Fatubarin (2008a), highlighted these prospects as including the following:
1.The abundant human resources
- The vast lands of diverse Ijesa communities
iii. The vast natural vegetation
- The immense agricultural potentials
v.The abundant solid minerals
vi.The abundant water basins
The abundant human resources of Ijesaland
Ijesaland is blessed abundantly with a large population of people, who share a number of personality attributes that can be built upon, for outstanding success in any area of human endeavour, particularly in industrialization. Fatubarin (2008b), highlighted these to include:
“enlightenment and sophistication.”
“industry and adventure”
“hard work and entrepreneurship”
“determination and commitment”
“loyalty and patriotism”
“prayerfulness and firm belief in God.”
Besides these personality attributes, which will attract any investor or financial institutions to any project put up by a group of people endowed with these attributes, are the large crop of eminently skilled professionals in diverse areas of life, where people make a living. Prominent among these areas of human endeavour that are relevant to industrialization, are listed by Fatubarin in (2008c) to include Engineering, Geology, Agriculture, Forestry, Industry, Economics, Banking and Accounting, among several others. Fatubarin (2008c), went further in the title “A Toast of Ijesa People” to list some of the prominent names in each of these areas of human endeavour, that are men and women of Ijesaland extraction. These are people who will be too willing and eager to subscribe to any industriation venture in Ijesaland, to which they are invited. Such people can be relied upon to contribute to such ventures in forms of ideas, serve as consultants or contribute in other forms, as partners or investors in such projects.
What can be said about our people is that they are ever ready to participate in any venture suggested to them by patriots of Ijesaland extraction.
The vast lands of diverse Ijesaland communities
Ijesaland as a whole, is very vast in size, extending from Alakowe along Ilesa-Osu-Ile-Ife Road and from Osunjela along Ilesa-Osogbo Road. It also extends from Ilesa up to Owena-Ijesa, along Ilesa-Owena-Akure Road, from Ilesa up to Imesi-Ile along Ilesa-Ijebu-Jesa-Imesi-Ile road and from Ilesa – Idominasi-Ibokun, up to Ada Owode along Ilesa-Ibokun-Ikirun road. Each community within Ijesa homeland, is also blessed with its own share of large parcels of undeveloped lands, that are awaiting their utilization, for worthwhile projects, that will benefit their people within that community and possibly the whole of Ijesaland and the entire country. These lands besides their vast size, are also relatively plane for most parts and are as such, devoid of valleys and hills, except in a few places.
The vast natural vegetation of Ijesaland
Though in many parts of Ijesaland, the natural vegetation has been much interfered with through human activities, the economic species on which industrialization of different sizes can be built, are still available in large quantities within different parts of Ijesaland. This is particularly so with communities in Atakunmosa West and East Local Government Areas, Oriade and Obokun Local Government Areas. The economic species that are being referred to are those around which small-scale to medium-scale industries, can be built. Such industries include the wood-utilizing industries, the local mat industries and the “tying and dying” industries, among others.
The immense Agricultural Potentials of Ijesaland
Ijesaland has an immense potential in agriculture. This is so because she has arable lands in different communities in large hectarage These lands are endowed with rich soils, which are not only deep, but also inherently fertile and as such, can support the production of diverse crops, such as food crops and cash crops. It is this immense agricultural potential, that has made Ese Odo Farm settlement possible, as well as Leventis Foundation Farm Institute, where young school leavers are being trained in agriculture.
The immense agricultural potentials can support the establishment of cash crops, from which a number of raw materials can be produced to feed a number of agro-based industries. Examples of such agro based industries are canning factories for producing fruit drinks, tomato-paste-producing industries, soap industries, among several others.
While talking of the agricultural potentials of Ijesaland, it worth mentioning that it is often said of Ijesaland, that Ijesa people had no need for plantains and bananas, because they are foods fit only for the birds! It can be said that this used to be the case in the distance past in Ijesaland. At the time Ijesa people will say:
E sun un an fi ogede se lalede Ijesa, eye leje.
Today, plantains and bananas are veritable sources of foods for Ijesa people, as well as raw materials for plantain chips industries, whose products are now marketed along major high ways and in large communities, such as the towns and cities. Unripe plantains are also being sliced into thin pieces, dried and powdered and used for producing plantain flour, for making plantain variety of amala.
The abundant solid mineral deposits of Ijesaland
Ijesaland has vast deposits of a large number of solid minerals. Prominent among these are gold, kaolin and talc. There are also large deposits of granite in many localities within Ijesaland. These solid minerals can have some industries built around them. Examples of such industries are gold mining industry, paint manufacturing industries and granite chips and stones industries.
The abundant water basins of Ijesaland
Ijesaland has abundant water basins that can be exploited in such uses as irrigation of farmlands and extensive fish farming. The water fall at Erin Ijesa can also be harnessed for producing sachet and bottled water industries. It can also be harnessed to produce sufficient hydro electricity, to power the industries that are set up in any part of Ijesaland.
Before concluding on the issue of the prospects of Ijesaland in industrialization, it is pertinent to mention that with the bounty of nature in such things as abundant quality human resources and vast lands, Ijesaland can venture into any time of industry that catch the fancy of our people. This is so because the quality human resources of Ijesaland, can use their connections to attract to Ijesaland, any type of industry the people decide to embark on. What can be a major limitation in such a project in major urbanized communities such as Lagos, Ikeja, among others, will not be so with Ijesaland, since the land is there in abundance. With adequate funds and appropriate expertise, raw materials and technical know-how needed to manage any type of industry in any part of Ijesaland, will not constitute any problem.
Besides the above-discussed prospects of industrialization of Ijesaland, are the following, which must be highlighted before this audience. They are highlighted to let investors know that you are not on your own, when you take a decision to invest in industrialization in any part of Ijesaland.
i.The present Government of Osun State has embarked on a bold effort to open up the rural communities in all parts of the State, through massive construction of roads. With these roads, it has now become easier to transport not only farm produce but also raw materials and industrial products to and fro the industries, wherever they are sited. With the construction of these roads, it has now become easier to site the industries in any part of Ijesaland.
ii.Ijesaland has benefitted much from the efforts of the State Government of Osun, as well as those of the people of Ijesaland in boosting urbanization in virtually all communities of Ijesaland. Modern houses are all over the communities in Ijesaland. These are in addition to all those things that make life comfortable for people in towns and cities. These are being mentioned to assure technocrats and other people who are used to city life, to let them know that they will get all they want in our communities in Ijesaland. In many community of Ijesaland, standard hotels, event centres and relaxation centres are already springing up in large number.
iii. Virtually all the major banks of the country have their branches in Ijesaland. The few exceptions are the specialized banks. Some of the banks even have more than one branch in Ilesa. It is therefore expected that these banks will be too willing to fund viable industrial projects in Ijesaland. It is also envisaged that as soon as the industrialization projects goes into full swing, the specialized banking institutions such as the Bank of industry, will want to come in to make their own impact on the industrialization effort within Ijesaland.
- Besides the large population of the communities that make up Ijesaland, are the proximity of Ijesaland to a large number of other communities, that can patronize the products of the industries being envisaged for Ijesaland. Examples of these communities are Osogbo and Ile-Ife, which are just about 30 kilometres to Ilesa. Communities like Ikirun, Ede and other towns within Osun State, are all less than 1 hour drive to Ilesa. Major cities like Akure, Ado Ekiti and Ibadan are all within 1½ hours drive to Ilesa. In essence therefore, taking the products of the industries in Ijesaland to other market centres outside Ijesaland, cannot pose any problem.
v.Earlier on in the write-up on the homeland of Ijesa People, which is called Ijesaland, Ijesaland was described as a land that prospers even the non-indigenes.
This is an appellation of Ijesaland as: “Ile ke e gbo ajeji”
This is an age-long appellation that says a lot about the accommodating nature of Ijesa people. Ijesa people will go any length to show support for any project that will bring development to any part of Ijesaland. They will not mind making any sacrifice to support such a project. This has been demonstrated
in the support given to all State and Federal establishments presently in Ijesaland. Investors in industrialization must be rest assured that they will find willing partners among Ijesa people, in any project they invest on in Ijesaland.
Earlier on in the Introduction to this lecture, reference was made to the pioneering efforts of the likes of Late Dr. Lawrence Omole and his group and a number of other patriots, who against all odds, ventured into the business of establishing industries in Ijesaland. Many of the industries are still in existence and are indeed doing fine. It can therefore be said that who ever is desirous of setting up any industry in any part of Ijesaland in the modern-day time, is only building on the pioneering efforts of some other patriotic Ijesa people.
As at present, Ijesaland has industries in the 3 major categories, into which industries can be classified. These are small-scale industries, medium-scale industries and large-scale industries.
The small-scale industries in Ijesaland, the group to which the cottage industries belong, include the following, among others:
i.The Soap industries, where soaps such as the indigenous “black soap” for bathing and the “soft soap” and “konta” for lundry activities are produced.
- The oil palm industries, where edible palm oil is produced.
iii. The vegetable oil industries, where edible vegetable oil is produced.
- The palm kernel oil industries, where palm kernel oil which is an industrial oil used in the production of quality bathing soaps, are produced.
- The “oguso” and palm kernel shell industries, where items such as “oguso” and palm kernel shells are got as by-products of the oil palm industries.
- The Mat industries, where indigenous mats such as “Eni atinrin” and “Eni Ore,” are produced.
vii. The “Tie-and-Dye” industries, where assorted “adire” materials are produced.
viii. The “Gaari” industries, which are ubiquitous in nature, in being spread round the diverse communities of Ijesaland.
- The Chalk-producing industries, where school chalks are produced in a number of communities.
- The bead-producing industries, where beads are used for making different types of crowns, handles of horse tails and for ardoning walking sticks, for Obas and Chiefs.
The Medium-scale industries in Ijesaland, include the following, among a number of others:
i.The block and concrete moulding industries, where assorted blocks of different sizes, concrete moulds and concrete blocks for landscaping are made.
- The Wood and Furniture industries, where assorted furniture are made.
iii. The “Pure Water” industries, where “sachet water” and “bottled water” of varying sizes are produced.
- The Candle Industry, for producing candle sticks.
- Bread and Confectionaries Industries, where assorted breads and cakes are made.
- The Metal Fabrication industries, where metals particularly aluminum and iron, are fabricated into window and door frames and for producing windows and doors.
vii. Paint Production Industries, for producing different types of paints.
viii. Toilet roll Industries, for producing toilet rolls and serviette papers.
The large-scale industries is Ijesaland, include the following:
- International Breweries Ltd, where different types of larger beer, malt drinks and in recent times, bottled water, are produced. This establishment has now attained an international status, when it has become acquired by a major foreign group that specializes in brewery business, in different parts of the world.
- Steel, Wire and Nail industry, established by late Prince Adewale Adediran, using the company name Adediran, Steel and Wire Industries (ASWIL).
iii. Foam producing industries, such as Yinka Oba Foam Industries Ltd and Apasco Foam Industries Ltd.
- Electronic Industry, which was recently established by Osun State Government where hand sets and allied products, are being assembled. This industry is on the site formerly occupied by a Candle-producing industry.
Before leaving the issue of the current status of industries in Ijesaland, it must be mentioned that what Ijesaland has presently is far from being an exhaustive list of the possible industries that can be established in our homeland. This is particularly so, when viewed from the potentials of Ijesa homeland in human resources, an issue that covers both expertise and labour hands and potentials in marketing products of these industries.
Industrialization of a particular homeland, the type being envisaged by