The monarch said, he should not be seen as a King, arguing that, God is the only King, and therefore, no basis to compete with God, but explained that, as a representative of God on earth, he only has the opportunity of acting on behalf of God, which made people referred to him as a King.
‘I am not the King. It is only God that is a King; my position is the Ambassador of God to represent Him on earth. I am the representative of God the King. Physically, God cannot be present, that is why I represent Him at occasion like this’
The royal father accompanied by his wife, while speaking on his decoration pledged to give adequate support for the project, adding that, it is a known fact that everybody will come of age, hence, the need to support the elderly.
‘I think everybody will become old one day and I think we should give assurance and a future for our elderly ones, because we’ll grow old one day and if we don’t start doing something now, it will affect all of us in the future’, he emphaised.
Penpushing further reports that, Oba Akanbi ,accompanied by his wife, he described as Queen, however, lamented that, it is worrisome that, no conducive atmosphere created for the elderly in Nigeria, and called on the Federal Government to start campaign and create awareness for the need
‘Because when we grow old and we don’t create a conducive atmosphere for our elders, and nobody is talking about then. We have many elders that are widowers, widows and I’m calling on Federal Government to start a campaign and create awareness among the youths to prepare for their future tomorrow’.
The monarch added, ’we will give the elderly assurance in Nigeria. We shall move round nooks and crannies of the country, to ensure the success of the of the Senior Citizens Care Foundation’, adding that he was prepared to advocate for such, stressing that, the government should find a commission to take care of the elderly one, and also noted that many of them faces loneliness and depression