

The statement said it include over 70 per cent of other receivables (Excess Crude and Paris Club Reimbursement despite the Federal Government advice of 50 per cent payment therefrom for salaries).

It added that government has also been fulfilling its other responsibilities, commitments and functions using other resources such as Internally Generated Revenue, credits and grants at its disposal to satisfy the yearnings of the people as would be expected, while salaries and pensions of workers at the State level have been paid up till November 2017, ”with only one month salary and pension (December 2017) outstanding.”

“By the laws setting up the tertiary institutions, Government is NOT responsible for the payment of salaries of workers in those institutions. In order to assist them, Government is ONLY obliged to grant the tertiary institutions SUBVENTIONS, which each institution would apply to whichever area of need that its Governing Council and Management may decide upon,”Alli argued.


“The recent forensic audit reports on the tertiary institutions revealed a great deal of shortcomings such as inefficiencies, leakages, poor management, and other ineptitude. Some institutions were even declared unsustainable and unviable. The consultant further recommended their closure. However, the recently constituted Governing Councils have been mandated to review their statuses and act suitably”, the scribe stated

Alli also alleged that contrary to labour’s allegation, state government on assumption of office in 2011 inherited Local Government Pension arrears totalling N4,736,741,934.49, it has disbursed pensions and gratuity of retired primary school teachers to the tune of N11,729,534,282.54.

The statement explained further that to avert further build up and eliminate the hardship arising therefrom, the Contributory Pension Scheme has been adopted as a solution to effectively address the issue.

“In view of the foregoing, and while dialogue continues, Government views the unilateral declaration of a three-day warning strike by Labour as absolutely illegal, unwarranted and unjustifiable. Government hereby appeals to Labour to shelve its illegal unilateral industrial action,” the statement said.

“Similarly, Government enjoins all workers in the State not to absent themselves from duty, as doing so will attract the no-work no-pay rule according to the Trade Dispute Act 2010 Section 43 (1)(a)”,Alli emphasised

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