For the record: Communiqué issued at the end of a round-table discussion of Penpushing online media on ‘’Rapist and the havoc, possible solutions to the menace” held on Friday 1st May, 2020
The issue of rape and defilement are a twin issue seen as attaining a serious challenge globally. This therefore calls for action as it gives governments, citizens and the civil society groups’ serious concern. Rape and defilement are grievous, dehumanizing and should be condemned by all and sundry even as survivors and their families shy away from labeling and stigmatization often associated with reported cases. This, in a way has encouraged the culture of silence and an indirect encouragement in these anti social behaviours.
Participants in the online dialogue are drawn from members of Penpushing Media including top professionals in Politics, Traditional rulers, captains of industries, security experts, media top shots and other professionals of over Two Hundred (200) members.
The participants noted that the daily occurrences of the heinous crimes at this stage of our national life called for collective concern and action to reduce it to the bearest minimum if not totally eliminated.
At the end of the exhaustive discussion lasting twenty four (24) hours, members came up with the following resolutions:
* That rape and defilement have severe emotional, psychological and physical trauma that survivors are made to contend with forever. They therefore identified rapists and defilers as killers that must not be allowed to go off the hook using the instrumentality of the law.
* The participants called for strengthening of the existing laws on gender based violence (GBV) at both states and national levels.
* They called for specialized multi-disciplinary department to robustly cater for all the needs of victims (medical, psychological, legal etc).
* The discussants in considering the issue of rape and defilement emphasised the urgent need to strengthen the specialised units of the Police at the Divisional level on effective and efficient method to handle referral and transfer of cases where necessary.
* The Penpushing dialogue further called for mental, educative and possible rehabilitative reforms of convicted perpetrators.
* They equally identified attitude of victims, their relations and citizens generally as a greatest impediment in the legal process of prosecution with undue pressure often mounted on the Police and at times, the refusal of family members to show up in court to give evidence often times leading to premature drop in cases against suspected perpetrators and the courts left with no alternative than to strike out the case.
* They spoke of the need to criminalize victims’ families found opposing the prosecution of rape suspects.
* Acknowledging the dearth of deeper knowledge and capacity in the handling of rape and defilement issues among the security agencies, the participants called for capacity building of Police officers on rape and defilement cases.
*They noted rampant delay in the administration of Justice in cases of rape and defilement and therefore highlighted the need for the Judiciary to hasten up processes relating to trial and conviction of suspects.
* The discussants demanded for social attitudinal changes against the current trend of accepting the culture of keeping silence in cases of rape and defilement of minors and young girls.
* They condemned the lust for money and the get rich quick syndrome among the citizens particularly youths in connivance with some negative herbalists and native doctors.
* The participants identified the critical role that men need to play in the fight against rape and defilement as well as gender based violence generally and called on male members of the national and state Assemblies to take active role and not see the issues as women affairs.
* They canvassed for free medical services for victims of Rape and defilement after been taken to the nearest Police Station.
* To draw home the severity of the acts, participants suggested that perpetrators of rape and defilement should be castrated and should be exempted from consideration under the State Prerogative of mercy for pardon.
* The discussants said the fight against rape should go beyond our cities and extended to rural communities where the menace is rife and often settled without the involvement of law enforcement agencies to prosecute offenders.