
For publicly insulting Finidi George shows you are irresponsible, former super eagles goalkeeper tells Osimhen

Former Super Eagles goalkeeper Idah Peterside has faulted the action of the reigning African Footballer of the Year Victor Osimhen to have openly insulted the immediate past national coach of the Super Eagles, Finidi George.

Penpushing reports that Peterside in reaction to the outburst of Osimhen declared that it shows that the footballer lacks manner and irresponsible, calling on the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to compel him (Osimhen) to openly apologise to George after his disrespectful rant.

The Nigerian former goalkeeper emphasise that if the Napoli striker failed to apologise the ruling football body in the country should ban him from the national team, stressing that Finidi George is a legend; and Osimhen should not have widen his mouth and say unpalatable things against the soccer legend

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“He (Osimhen) needs to come outside and apologise for what he said to Finidi, Peterside noted on social media. Finidi George is a legend; You don’t just widen your mouth and say unpalatable things. If you have issues with the man, pick up your phone and call him. That’s what responsible people do’, he emphaised.

‘Osimhen has just shown a bit of irresponsibility, and that’s unexpected. I think the NFF should call Osimhen and ask him to apologise. He has to apologise for saying things. Osimhen should not talk like he did, and he needs to apologise to the ex-players and Finidi George’, Peterside added.

“The NFF should rise to the occasion and ban him from the national team if he fails to apologise because this kind of attitude must not be allowed to go down within the team’, the former super eagles goalkeeper added

Penpushing further reports that it is recalled that Osimhen, in an uncontrollable outburst on Instagram Live on Saturday, reacted rudely to a report claiming Finidi questioned his commitment to the national team, accusing him of choosing the matches he wants to play for Nigeria.

The African Footballer of the Year did not take it lightly, as he went on a bizarre rant on social media and in trying to assert his commitment to the Green and White colours of Nigeria, spoke about Finidi in a disrespectful manner and hurled curses at fans who were criticising him.

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