

“I went into the compound. Their gate and fence are bottled but there was something like a ladder on the fence and where the ladder was there was no bottle in a small part. I stepped on the place without bottle and jumped to the next compound.”

The prosecuting witness further informed the court that, while in the next compound, he knocked on someone’s window and explained his predicament, but the person dismissed his claim, under the argument that he does not know him.

“He said he doesn’t know me, that I should leave or he will call the police. I told them to call the police. Then NEPA took light and they went back to sleep. My mind told me to hide somewhere till morning and I did. I heard them looking for me where I was hiding.


“In the morning the couple woke up and saw me in their compound and I begged them to take me away in their Honda Accord car but they refused and said the only thing they will do is report to the chairman of their association’.

“There are two families living in the compound and a boy of 21-23 came out with a plastic pipe and chased me away saying I was a thief. Very close to their gate was a nursery school and the security guard there pushed me to the ground. ”

“I kept telling them where they kept me that if they find me here they will kill me. I was looking lean and blood was on my body because of the injury from the jump last night, it brought attention to me and one man asked me for my wife’s number but it didn’t go through so I gave my cousin’s number, Jude Afurupe.”

He added that the man he gave his cousin’s number to helped him get to Idimu Police Station from where he was taken to the Police Commissioner’s office in Ikeja, stating that, “from there they directed us to the Surulere anti-cultism and robbery squad. We went to their hideout and the gate was locked. They broke it and recovered arms and ammunitions.”

Meanwhile, the trial was adjourned till May 11 for the cross-examination of the prosecution’s second witness and continuation of trial.


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