Apostle Lawrence Achudume
To advance is to move forward in a purposeful way. Basically, it is to make progress. The essence of life will not be fully appreciated without the drive towards advancement. When we observe the structure of man; the placement of the eyes, ears, hands and legs and the way they are to function, we will be convinced beyond reasonable doubt that man was wired to move forward in life. People are striving to be exceptional, the status-quo is being questioned and more than ever before the planet has witnessed various mind-blowing innovations. Change, they say is the only constant thing but change cannot come without advancement in the mind to conceive it and development of capacity to achieve it. but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..(Rom 12:2b)
We are to advance because it is God’s desire to take us from one level of knowledge to another, from one level of strength to another, from one level of Glory to another and from one level of fulfilment to another. To Advance is to make progress irrespective of the challenges that we face. In fact, it is the challenges we are able to overcome that paves the way for advancement. No one wins a medal without a race; neither can a champion be declared without a fight. Martin Luther King Jr.said ‘the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy’.
When we study the lives of the great men and women in the bible, we will find out that it was not devoid of challenges. It was in their challenges that their strength was revealed. Their pain and scars gave rise for their testimonies. In the beginning of Esther’s story, one could see that Esther was really favoured. She found favour in the sight of the king, she was chosen among many beautiful ladies and she became queen (Esther 2:17). That’s like a fairy tale coming true, but rather than a palace of comfort, Esther was chosen to carry out an assignment, she was ushered into a place of making, further discovery and little did she know that her position was a seed for advancement-not just her personal advancement but that of her people and even generations to come.
Esther was left with an option; to save her life, remain content with her position, ride on her past achievement or risk losing it all by daring to do the unthinkable. To Advance is synonymous to crossing obstacles, overcoming trials and winning battles. Every level has its Glory and Honour and for a higher level of Glory there is a greater hurdle to cross and a greater fight to win. Before every next level is a trial that proves your capacity for the journey. These challenges are not to weigh you down but to reveal your inner strength in God. Esther gained wisdom from the secret place and God moved on her behalf when she depended on Him for her strategy for advancement.
The beauty of it all is that we are not alone. Our confidence is in Christ who is willing to guide us and make us into what God has destined us to be. God doesn’t want us to remain where we are; his plan is to strengthen us and fortify us in this journey of life. “Follow me and I will make you.…” Matthew 4:19. Everything you need to be made for your journey is in Christ. That in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; 1Cor 1:5. You need to depend on Him and have faith in His ability to make you.
You also have to be intentional about your growth. Christ has His part to play and we also have ours. You have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, to guide you into all the truth for your life and that situation.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. Heb 16:3 and it is the truth you know that will give you victory and make you free. (John 8:32)
Strife to gain knowledge, which is your strategy for advancement.-You cannot grow beyond your level of knowledge. What you know is what positions you in life. Ignorance is very expensive, before you can access a higher place you must gain access to the information you didn’t have before. You can only take advantage of an opportunity when you know what you are to make of it.
Finally, the quality of your life is connected to the quality of your thoughts, if you entertain wrong thoughts it will deprive you from making progress because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he(Pro 23:7). The state of your heart determines the state of your life. (Pro 4:23) Don’t harbour bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, hurt and pain. Be secure in your identity, don’t live a life of competition but work on being better than who you were yesterday.Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Phil 4:8)
I pray that all the resources you need to move into your high place is made available to you and at the end of it all this will be your testimonyI have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; 2Tim 4:7.
Apostle Lawrence Achudume is General Overseer of Victory Life Bible Church
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