
29 Nigerian Army generals retire from active military service

The Nigerian Army has announced retirement of 29 Generals of the Infantry Corps from active military service, and this include 19 major generals and 10 brigadiers general, with a pull-out ceremony held at the Jaji Military Cantonment in Kaduna State

Penpushing reports that Major General Victor Ezugwu who spoke on behalf of the retirees encouraged their successors to not only sustain the modest strategic, operational and tactical achievements made, but also to surpass them.

‘The frontline is expanding and the Nigerian Army is becoming increasingly committed with the eyes of the nation and the world on it. Our Infantry Corps must therefore not relent or rest on her oars as the entire Nigerian Army depends largely on the Infantry Corps to achieve its core mandate and mission’, Ezugwu said.


” I admonish the Infantry that as the threats to Nigeria sovereignty is becoming asymmetric in time and space, you must be proactively way ahead of our adversaries in all aspects of the unfolding combat scenarios,” he added.

Penpushing further reports the retired army boss equally called on the Infantry Corps to review some of its tactical and operational strategies in the areas of night fighting capabilities, and frontline intelligence gathering on enemy activities.

The Major-General(rtd) advised the corps to strengthen basic field crafts training in the areas of aggressive fighting patrols to dominate at least 5 km radius of their locations, ambushes, listening and observation posts as well as all levels of battle drills.

Penpushing also reports that Ezugwu advocated for employment of modern technology and Information Communications Technology (ICT) enablers, and deliberate efforts to develop the leadership skills of junior commanders.

The retired Major-General, however, in his remarks assured that he alongside his other retired colleagues of willingness to avail the infantry corps of their time, energy and resources until they breath their last on earth.

Penpushing reports that he announced the donation of 200 books and encyclopedia to the Infantry Corps Centre and Nigerian Army School of Infantry libraries to promote training, reading culture, mentorship and capacity development of officers and soldiers.

‘We are also availing the infantry Corps the sum of N1 million to purchase more Corps related books. This is our modest way to encourage the edification of younger Infantry officers and soldiers so as to inspire and motivate them to reach their full potentials as they grow in service’, Ezugwu said.

Penpushing further reports that the retiree described military career as the most priceless, honourable and sacrificial call to duty globally, and thanked God for allowing them to end their careers alive after serving the nation for between 30 -38 years.

The Army General described the day as full of emotional feelings, nostalgic memories, wholesome gratitude, unending joy and unwavering fulfilment, pointing out that for every service personnel retirement from active service remains a natural and inevitable end

‘For every service personnel, retirement from active service remains a natural and inevitable end which begins to count from the day we passed out from NDA as officers in the Armed Forces of Nigeria. Our joy and that of our families, colleagues and friends gathered here today knows no bounds as we take a final bow from the Infantry Corps’, he stated.

‘On behalf of my retired colleague generals, I most respectfully and dutifully appreciate the incumbent Chief of Army Staff, Lt-Gen Taoreed Lagbaja for organising this benefitting and memorable pulling out parade in our honour,” he added.

Penpushing also reports that Ezugwu appreciated the Commander Infantry Corps, Major-General Olufemi Oluyede, for mobilising the entire Infantry family including veterans and other luminaries in the Infantry Corps to honour them.

‘As I stand on this podium and looking around this Parade Ground, I am moved with hysterical feeling of excitement considering the mammoth turn out of the infantry family, host and neighbouring communities of Jaji, Labar, Wusono, Railway, Birnin Yero, Angwan Loya and other parts of Zazzau Emirate, led by our revered Emir, to celebrate our retirement’, he stated

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